摘要:目的 观察川芎嗪关节腔内注射对骨关节炎过程中软骨退变的保护作用,探讨川芎嗪关节腔注射治疗骨关节炎的应用前景。方法 健康成熟新西兰大白兔26只,设立正常组、模型组、对照组和实验组。模型组、对照组及实验组建立骨关节炎模型。对照组与实验组分别关节腔注射地塞米松0.3mL和川芎嗪0.3mL。每周一次。在模型建立6周和9周时各组分别处死一半动物,去除关节炎模型,取材进行大体标本病理学观察,并经光镜和透射电镜观察膝关节软骨的病理变化。结果 在6和9周时,实验组的大体标本软骨损伤分级明显优于其他3组;Mankin软骨组织学评分与上述两组相比,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);电镜超微结构观察其病理改变明显轻于对照组和模型组。对照组大体标本软骨损伤分级与模型组基本相同;Mankin 软骨组织学评分与模型组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05);电镜超微结构观察对照组与模型组在细胞形态、细胞内细胞器改变等方面相似。结论 关节腔内注射川芎嗪能减轻兔膝关节炎模型的关节软骨退变程度,并可促进软骨的自身修复;激素关节腔内注射对损伤软骨的修复作用不明显。
The effect of intraarticular ligustrazine injection on degenerative cartilage of the rabbits knee
Wang Suoliang, Wang Min, Wu Shihui
(Department of Rehabilitation and Pain; Department of Orthopeadics; Department of GeriatricSurgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710061, China)
ABSTRACT: Objective To observe the effects of ligustrazine intraarticular injection on cartilage degeneration in OA. To estimate and discuss the vistas of clinical application with ligustrazine intraarticular injection. Methods 26 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups, 2 rabbits in normal group, 8 rabbits in model, control and experimental group, respectively. OA animal model was established in rabbits by the way of fixing right posterior knee joint with plaster cast in strecthing state in model, control and experimental group. 0.3mL ligustrazine intraarticular injection was carried out once a week in experimental group. 0.3mL dexamethasone in the same way was made in control group. At 6 week and 9 weeks later, optic and electron microscopic examinations were conducted to observe the pathological changes of articular cartilage of the knee of these animals. Results There was a significant difference in Mankin scale between experimental group and 3 other groups(P<0.01). The articular cartilage changes of ultrastructure with the transmission electron microscope observatio
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