【摘要】目的:观察甲基强的松龙(mPSL)对MC3T3E1成骨细胞L钙通道电流(Ltype voltagesensitive calcium channels current,LVSCCsC)的影响。方法:设A组(正常对照组)、B组(106mol/L)、C组(105mol/L)和D组(104mol/L),各浓度的mPSL作用24h后,膜片钳技术记录每组细胞的LVSCCsC(nA)。结果:正常对照组峰值电流为(-0.2284±0.0209,nA);106mol/L 组为(-0.1991±0.0158, nA)下降12.8%; 105mol/L和104mol/L组分别为(-0.1839±0.0179,nA)、(-0.1610±0.0033,nA)分别下降19.5%和29.5%,与正常对照组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。 结论:mPSL剂量依赖性抑制成骨细胞LVSCCsC。
【关键词】 膜片钳技术;钙通道电流;甲基强的松龙;成骨细胞
The effect of methylprednisolone on the Ca2+ channel electric currents in osteoblasts
JIA Bingshen, CHEN Yanping, GAO Yun, ZHANG Wenjie, XUE Yan
(1.Department of Orthopaedics Hainan, Hainan Medical University 570102; 2. Wangjing Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Medicine Science Beijing 100102; 3. Department of Physiology,Jilin University Changchun 130021; 4. Orthopaedics Institution, Jishuitan Hospital Beijing 100035, China)
[ABSTRACT] Objective: To observe the influence of methylprednisolone on the Ca2+ channel currents in osteoblasts. Methods: All were divided into four groups,A(control), B(106mol/L)、C(105mol/L) and D(104mol/L).The whole cell patch clamp technique was used in every MC3T3E1 osteoblast of each group to test Ltype voltagesensitive calcium channels current(LVSCCsC). Results: The mean peak current of control group was (-0.2284±0.0209, nA ),B group was (-0.1991±0.0158, nA ) with 12.8% decrease;C and D groups were (-0.1839±0.0179, nA) and( -0.1610±0.0033,nA ) with 19.5% and 29.5% decrease, respectively. There was significant difference as compared with control (P<0.01). Conclusion: Methylprednisolone can inhibit the currents of Lcalcium channels dosedependently.
[KEY WORDS] Patch clamp technique; Ca2+ channel; Methylprednisolone; Osteoblast
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