【摘要】 目的:通过评价小切口开窗式髓核摘除术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效,探讨该手术的优缺点及注意事项。方法:对62例腰椎间盘突出症患者采用小切口开窗式髓核摘除术治疗,手术前后根据日本骨科学会(JOA)下腰痛评分标准评分,评价手术效果。结果:62例患者均获随访,时间0.5~2年,平均1.2年,JOA评分优良率91.9%,平均改善率69.4%,手术前后JOA评分比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:小切口开窗式髓核摘除术治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效肯定,对腰椎生理结构破坏较小,发生术后腰椎不稳及腰椎术后失败的可能性低。
【关键词】 腰椎间盘突出症 外科手术 微创性
Abstract Objective:To evaluate clinical efficacy of small incision windowed discectomy for lumbar disc herniation and explore the clinical advantages and disadvantages of surgical and precautions.Methods:62 patients with lumbar disc herniation were treated with a small incision windowed discectomy treatment,before and after surgery,according to the Japan Orthopedic Association(JOA) scoring criteria of low back pain score,evaluation of results of operations was done.Results:62 patients were followed up for 6 months to 2 years,an average of 1.2 years,JOA score was an excellent rate of 91.9% and with an average improvement rate of 69.4%.The difference before and after surgery JOA score was significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:small incision windowed discectomy in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation was physiological well;less damage occurred after lumbar spine surgery;lumbar spine instability and the possibility of failure was low.
Key words Lumbar disc herniation;surgery;minimally invasive
2006~2008年我院开展小切口开窗式髓核摘除术治疗腰椎间盘突出症患者62例,男40例,女22例;年龄20~61岁,平均41岁;病程6个月~15年,平均3.6年;L3~4 5例,L4~5 32例,L5~S1 25例;椎间盘中央突出34例,左侧突出16例,右侧突出12例;32例CT/MRI提示神经根管狭窄。所有入选病例符合下列标准:均有较典型的临床症状、体征,影像学与临床诊断为单节段腰椎间盘突出者,神经定位体征均与影像学定位单节段突出相符合,经保守治疗至少6个月后症状无明显缓解。
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