【摘要】 目的:探讨外踝短缩所致创伤性踝关节炎发生的生物力学机制。方法: 选取8只新鲜冷冻尸体下肢,分别在外踝正常长度、短缩1/3、短缩2/3和短缩3/3的情况下,测量和分析踝关节面应力分布的变化。结果: 踝关节应力接触区大致呈三角形,外踝短缩后踝关节面应力分布发生变化,以向前、内、外侧压力增高最为显著。结论: 外踝短缩后踝关节面应力分布发生明显变化,这可能是导致创伤性关节炎发生的重要机制。
【关键词】 外踝; 踝关节; 应力; 生物力学
Influence of Shortened Lateral Malleolees on the Stress Force Distribution of the Ankle Joint
ZOU Yuwei,ZHANG Xiuqin,YANG Xinming, et al
Department of Orthopaedics,The First Affiliated Hospital,Hebei Northern University,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei,China;Stomatology Faculty,Medical School of Jinan University,Guangzhou,510632,Guangdong,China
【ABSTRACT】 Objective: To investigate the biomechanism of traumatic ankle arthritis resulted from shortened lateral malleolus. Methods:The lower extremity specimens of eight fresh frozen cadaver were used.At the lengthes of normal、shortened 1/3、shortened 2/3 and shortened 3/3 lengthes,the tibial astragaloid joints area and pressure were measured. Results:The contact area of the normal tibial astragaloid joint looked like triangular analyzed by shapes of dyeing area. The stress force of the tibial astragaloid joint changed in the consequence of shortened lateral malleolus, and it increased especially to the front, inside and lateral. Conclusion:The stress force of the tibial astragaloid joint will changed in the consequence of shortened lateral malleolus,maybe it is the important mechanism of traumatic ankle arthritis.
【KEY WORDS】 Lateralmalleolus;Ankle;Stress force;Biomechanics
1 材料和方法
11 材料取4具完整成年防腐尸体,自膝关节处截断,获得8只完整的小腿及足踝。在截骨前测量出承重线与胫骨远端内侧缘的夹角,用α来表示(人体自然站立时的承重线位于髂前上棘与髌骨中点连线的延长线并通过第一趾间关节)。打开踝关节囊,置入压敏片。压敏片由A、C两片组成,两片叠放经加压后,可使A片中包含的定影微粒破裂,其释放的物质与C片中的显影微粒起反应使C片着色,着色的范围代表应力分布的范围。依据着色的深浅转换成应力值,着色越深,应力越大。
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