【摘要】 目的 探讨切开复位锁定钢板内固定治疗Ⅲ型Pilon骨折的手术时机及疗效。方法 对15例Ⅲ型Pilon骨折患者,采用胫骨远端内侧解剖锁定钢板内固定治疗。结果 本组病例随访12~30个月,平均26个月,骨折愈合时间3~6个月,平均4个月。按照Mazur等制定的标准.优9例,良3例,可2例,差1例,优良率为80%。结论 只要把握好手术时机,应用胫骨远端内侧解剖锁定钢板内固定治疗Ⅲ型Pilon骨折可取得良好的临床疗效。
【关键词】 Ⅲ型Pilon骨折;切开复位;锁定钢板
Locking plate fixation in type Ⅲ Pilon fracture treatment: a retrospective study of fifteen cases
HAN Xue-kun, YANG Wen-gui.Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shanghai Meishan Hospital, Nanjing 210039, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the timing and efficacy of open reduction with locking plate fixation in the treatment of type Ⅲ Pilon fractures.Methods Fifteen patients with type Ⅲ Pilon fractures were treated with distal medial tibial locking plate.Results All patients were followed for a period of 12 to 30 months; the average follow-up period was 26 months. Fracture healing time was 3~6 months with an average of 4 months. The functional outcomes of this study was assessed according to Mazur’s criteria with a rating of excellent in 9 cases, good in 3 cases, fair in 2 cases and poor in l case. Globally, 80% of the patients achieved good or excellent results.Conclusion Good or excellent clinical efficacy can be achieved by the distal medial tibial locking plate treatment in type Ⅲ Pilon fractures-providing the procedures was properly timed.
[Key words] type Ⅲ Pilon fracture; open reduction; locking plate
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组15例,男13例,女2例,年龄18~64岁,平均36岁;致伤原因:高处坠落伤9例,车祸伤4例,重物压伤2例;开放性骨折4例,急诊清创,择期手术,闭合性骨折11例,均合并腓骨骨折,按Rüedi-Allgüwer分型均为Ⅲ型。
1.2 手术方法 本组4例开放性骨折急诊清创,跟骨结节牵引,待局部创面条件改善后行手术内固定治疗;11例闭合性骨折予脱水消肿并行跟骨结节牵引或石膏外固定,鼓励患者主动活动足趾,复查牵引后的X线平片,必要时行CT平扫加三维重建,以进一步了解骨折情况,视软组织情况于伤后10~21天再行切开复位内固定术。首先腓骨切开复位,重建板或腓骨远端解剖板内固定,以恢复下肢的长度;其次重建干骺端的关节面,做小腿前内侧弯向内踝的切口(两切口至少相距7cm),显
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