【摘要】 目的 探讨记忆合金环抱钢板结合克氏针治疗锁骨长节段粉碎骨折的临床疗效。方法 采用记忆合金环抱钢板结合克氏针治疗锁骨长节段粉碎骨折28例,其中锁骨外侧1/3骨折17例,中1/3骨折8例,内侧1/3骨折3例。 结果 28例患者术后随访13个月,骨折全部临床愈合,平均临床愈合时间10周。结论 记忆合金环抱钢板结合克氏针治疗锁骨长节段粉碎骨折具有手术简单、固定牢靠、骨折端血运破坏少、手术安全、并发症少等优点,疗效满意。
【关键词】 锁骨骨折;记忆合金;克氏针;内固定
Treatment of Long Comminuted Fractures of Clavicle with Shape Memory Alloy Embracing Plate and Kirschner’s Wire
Chen Kun, Luo Jinguang, Lv Hongsheng, Zheng Wenzhong (Department of Orthopaedics, PLA No.180 Hospital, Quanzhou 362000, China)
Abstract: Objective To study the treatment effect of shape memory alloy embracing plate and Kirschner’s wire on long comminuted fractures of clavicle. Methods Twentyeight patients with long comminuted fractures of clavicles were treated with both the shape memory alloy embracing plate and Kirschner’s wire. The fractures included lateral one third fracture in 17, middle one third fracture in 8 and internal one third fracture in 3 cases.Results All the 28 cases were followed up for 13 months. All the fractured calvicles were reunited with an average time of 10 weeks. Conclusion The internal fixation with both the shape memory alloy embracing plate and Kirschner’s wire to treat the long comminuted fractures of clavicle is a simple, safe and stable method, with reduced destruction of blood supply to the fracture ends and few complications.
Key words: clavicular fracture; shape memory alloy; Kirschner’s wire; internal fixation
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组28例,男23例,女5例,年龄16~72岁,平均35.6岁,锁骨外侧1/3骨折17例,中1/3骨折8例,内侧1/3骨折3例。全组病例骨折段长度范围6~10 cm,游离骨碎片数3~9片。
1.2 手术方法 术前测量健侧锁骨长度,并依据锁骨骨折X线片选择大小、长短合适的记忆合金环抱钢板(上海思爱高科记忆合金有限公司生产,材质为鎳钛NiTi记忆合金)。作锁骨上常规切口入路,显露骨折端,骨折端简单复位,对锁骨外侧1/3、中1/3骨折自肩峰端外侧钻入一枚直径1.5~2.5 mm 克氏针贯穿骨髓腔并穿透内侧骨折端前方骨皮质固定,对锁骨内侧1/3骨折则自锁骨中段弯曲部前外侧钻入克氏针经贯穿骨髓腔并穿透锁骨胸骨
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