母婴人乳头状瘤病毒亚临床感染的检测 |
彭萍 翁霞云 谷志远 李琦
【摘要】 目的 探讨孕期、产褥期妇女及其新生儿的人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)亚临床感染状况。方法 采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测103例孕产妇(观察组)宫颈及阴道分泌物、外周静脉血标本中HPV-6、11、16、18型DNA,其中孕早期30例、孕中期42例、孕晚期31例,孕晚期妇女监测到产褥期;以同期门诊要求带宫内节育器妇女30例为对照组,同时检测孕晚期妇女分娩的新生儿咽部分泌物标本。结果 孕早、中、晚期、产褥期、对照组妇女的宫颈及阴道分泌物HPV总阳性率分别为:16.7%、28.6% 、74.2%、25.8%、26.7%;外周静脉血HPV总阳性率分别为23.3%、26.2%、58.1%、22.6%、20.0%;各组均以HPV-16/18型感染为主,其次为HPV-6/11+16/18型,而无单独的HPV-6/11型阳性。动态检测31例妇女在孕晚期、分娩前、产后6周宫颈及阴道分泌物中HPV 阳性例数分别为17例、21例、8例,其中有6例在孕期的检测中有波动;外周静脉血的HPV阳性例数分别为14例、13例、7例,其中有7例在孕期的检测中有波动;动态检测31例新生儿在出生时、出生后48~72 h、出生后6周咽部分泌物中HPV阳性例数分别为13例、6例、1例。结论 整个孕期以孕晚期HPV感染明显,而孕早期、孕中期、产褥期与非孕期的HPV感染率差异无显著性;部分HPV感染的孕妇,产后可自然转为阴性,且孕期HPV表达有一自然波动;新生儿随生后时间的延长,咽部HPV感染率呈下降趋势。 【关键词】 乳头状瘤病毒,人; 乳多空病毒感染; 肿瘤病毒感染;聚合酶链反应
Detection of the Asymptomatic Infection by Human Papillomavirus in Pregnant Women and Neonates
PENG Ping (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Hospital, Guangzhou Military Area, Guangzhou 510010, China) WENG Xiayun, GU Zhiyuan, et al.
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the state of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in similar average-aged pregnant women of different gestational periods, in the puerperium and neonates. Methods Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was employed to detect HPV-6, 11, 16 and 18 DNA in 30 pregnant women in the first trimester, 42 in the second and 31 in the third (who were followed up to their puerperium), and 30 non-pregnant women asking for intrauterine device in our out-patient clinic were taken as controls. Average age in the four groups showed no significant difference (P>0.05). Samples from cervical, vaginal exfoliated cells, maternal peripheral blood and nasopharyngeal secretion of the newborns were examined respectively. Results (1) In the first trimester, HPV-DNA was detected in the cervical, vaginal exfoliated cells of 5 cases and in the maternal peripheral blood of 7 cases. (2) In the second trimester, HPV-DNA was detected in the cervi[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中性粒细胞激活在妊娠高血压综合征发病中的作用 下一个医学论文: 泰素帝抑制体外卵巢癌细胞增殖的研究