产后抑郁症及其相关因素的分析 |
贺晶 上官雪军 王正平
【摘要】 目的 探讨产后抑郁症的临床特点及危险因素。以提高产科医师对产后抑郁症的认识,及早采取预防和治疗措施。方法 应用抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表、汉姆顿抑郁量表及自制问卷调查表,对210例产妇进行产后抑郁症及其相关因素的调查。结果 (1)产后抑郁症的发生率为37.14%(78/210),其中轻型为91.03%(71/78), 中型为8.97%(7/78)。 生活空虚感、思维困难感、决断困难感、能力减退感、无用感和绝望感这6个症状,是产后抑郁症妇女最多见的主诉。10.48%(22/210)的产妇患有焦虑症状。(2)产妇不良的处世表现、情绪控制差、分娩前的心理准备不足及分娩知识的掌握不够等社会心理因素与抑郁症发生有关,是产后抑郁症发生的危险因素。结论 (1)产后抑郁症在围产期妇女中具有较高的发生率,是产妇常见的精神及心理障碍。(2)不良的社会心理因素可诱发其产生,加速其发展。(3)应加强孕产妇围产期心理保健及分娩知识的宣传教育,及早发现和治疗产后抑郁症。 【关键词】 抑郁症, 产后; 病因学
Clinical Study on Postpartum Depression and its Related Factors
HE Jing, SHANGGUAN Xuejun, WANG Zhengping (Department of Obstetrics, Affiliated Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, ZheJiang University, Hangzhou 310006, China)
【Abstract】 Objective The prevalence rate, related factors and clinical characteristics of postpartum depression were studied in order to promote obstetrician′s understanding of the disease, and resort to preventive and therapeutic measure earlier. Methods Two hundred and ten puerpera were selected from September to November 1998 for mood study by self-rating depression scale, self-rating anxiety scale, Hamilton depression scale, and self-made questionnaires. Results The prevalence rate of postpartum depression was 37.14% (78/210), of which, 91.03% (71/78) was mild, and 8.97% (7/78) moderate. In addition, 10.48% (22/210) of women got anxiety after delivery. The symptoms, including decreased activity, difficulty in thinking, problems in decision- making, difficulty in doing things, feeling of uselessness and hopelessness were chief complaints of postpartum depression patients. Bad social behavior and mood controlling, inadequate psychological preparation for delivery, lack of knowledge of delivery were closely correlated to the onset of postpartum depression, which are the risk factors of postpartum depression. Conclusions Postpartum depression is a spiritual and psychological obstac[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 应用硫酸镁治疗胎儿生长迟缓 下一个医学论文: 肿瘤坏死因子α对脐静脉血管内皮细胞增殖和细胞内游离钙浓度的影响