13碳尿素呼吸试验在诊断儿童幽门螺杆菌感染及评价疗效中的应用 |
gher than those of asymptomatic children (11.4 % and 39.4 %). The positive rates of 13 C-UBT and Hp-IgG of asymptomatic children increased with the age, but the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The positive rates of 13 C-UBT of patients 2-, 5-, and 10-14 years of age were 29 %, 29.1 % and 30 %, respectively, which had no correlation with age (χ2=0.04, P>0.05); but the positive rates of Hp-IgG increased with age, which were 36 %, 53.7 % and 70 %, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (χ2=13.16, P<0.005). The positive rates of 13 C-UBT of patients 2-, 5-10 years of age and of Hp-IgG of 5-, 10-14 were much higher than those of asymptomatic children. The therapeutic regimens were effective in 97 % of treatment group and 26 % of placebo group. Hp eradication rates were 88% and 10%, respectively. The differences in both clinical efficacy and Hp eradication rates were statistically significant (P<0.001). Conclusions (1) RAP of some children may have a close relation to Hp infection; (2) 13 C-UBT is a simple, safe and accurate non-invasive method suitable for diagnosing Hp infection and evaluating the Hp eradication in children. (3) Omeprazole-triple therapy was effective in eradicating Hp infection in children with a high Hp eradication rate and few side effects. 【Key words】 Helicobacter pylori; Helicobacter infections; Urease; Omeprazole; Clarithromycin; Amoxicillin
儿童反复腹痛病因复杂,本研究应用 13 碳尿素呼吸试验(13 C-urea breath test:13 C-UBT)及血清 Hp-IgG测定,研究无消化道症状儿童及反复腹痛患儿的幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染状况,并对两项检查阳性患儿采用奥美拉唑、克拉霉素、羟氨苄青霉素三联一周短程疗法,探讨其临床疗效及Hp的根除情况,现报告如下。
一、对象 1.无症状患儿组:选择 193例无消化道症状患儿作为对照,所有患儿均无反复腹痛。 2.反复腹痛患儿组:共 340例,年龄2~14岁。所有病例都有反复发作的上腹部或脐周隐痛史,疼痛时间为 3月~2年,腹痛不伴呕吐及腹泻,驱蛔虫治疗无效。腹部B超无异常。就诊及检查前 2 周无服药史。 二、方法 1. 13 C-UBT: 受检者空腹 4 h,饮用 50 ml柠檬酸饮料后, 5 min,10 min分别向 2支试管内吹气,密封待查,作本底空白对照。随即饮用溶有 13 碳(13C)标记的尿素溶液 50 ml,含 13 C尿素100 mg,饮用 13 C尿素溶液后30、35、40 min上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 儿童幽门螺杆菌相关性胃十二指肠疾病的药物治疗研究 下一个医学论文: 早产儿胃电节律和胃食管反流的初步观察