化疗药物体外诱导白血病细胞凋亡的研究 |
emotherapeutic drugs showed positive correlations with each other. The correlation coefficient of apoptotic rate in VCR group and Dex group was 0.821 (P<0.001), in Ara-C group and Dex group was 0.994 (P<0.001). (3)The apoptotic rate of fresh leukemic cells was (3.2±1.9)%. ALL and HAL cells cultured for 24 hours in vitro would develop spontaneous apoptosis in (18.2±13.5)%. The spontaneous apoptosis rate correlated positively to the apoptosis rates induced by VCR, Dex and Ara-c, the relevant coefficients were 0.878 (P<0.001), 0.893 (P<0.001) and 0.882 (P<0.05), respectively. (4)CD34 was an independent factor influencing apoptotic rates, the apoptotic rate was significantly lower in CD34 positive group (CD34≥30%) than that in CD34 negative group. (5)There was no relationship between the expression of Bcl-2 and the apoptic rate of leukemic cells. Conclusion Inducing apoptosis is an important mechanism of killing leukemic cells by chemotherapeutic drugs. 【Key words】 Apoptosis; Leukemial; Antineoplastic agents
一、对象 1.病例选择:我院1997年10月~1998年3月住院的初治ALL及HAL患儿共24例。男13例,女11例;年龄4个月~13岁,平均年龄6岁7个月。根据FAB标准,24例初治患儿全部为ALL,其中L1型 2例,L2型 18例,L3型 4例。23例初诊时进行免疫分型,其中B系19例,T系4例。依据Catovsky双表型急性白血病积分法判定其中4例为HAL。 2.正常对照:共10例,男5例,女5例;年龄1~10岁,平均年龄6岁7个月。骨髓取自骨科畸形矫形手术中的切除骨。 二、主要试剂 1.单克隆抗体: 标记荧光素藻红蛋白(PE)的APO 2.7及IgG1。纯净的APO 2.7,Bcl-2 (购自Immunotech公司,法国),标记荧光素异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)的羊抗鼠二抗 (购自Dako公司,丹麦)。 2.DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳试剂:溶液1含10 mmol/L的Tris-Cl (pH 7.6),10 mmol/L KCl,10 mmol/L 的MgCl2; 溶液2含10 mmol/L Tris-Cl (pH7.6), 10 mmol/L 的KCl,10 mmol/L 的MgCl2, 0.5 mol/L 的NaCl, 0.5%的SDS, 2 mmol/L 乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐(EDTA); 5×TBE ,TE , 分子标记物:λ DNA/EcoR I+Hind III(北京中山生物技术公司产品)。
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