促黄体激素释放激素类似物与低剂量炔诺酮联合治疗子宫内膜异位症的疗效与安全性 |
(P<0.01). Reductions in endometriotic foci were 34% and 61% at 3 and 6 months, respectively (P<0.01). Of group B, there were 77% and 90% decreases in total subjective symptom scores at 3 and 6 months of treatment (P<0.01). Reductions of 37% and 38% in endometriotic foci were observed at 3 and 6 months, respectively (P<0.01). Liver and renal functions and fast blood sugar of both groups were all in normal range. Triglyceride (TG), apolipoproteinA (ApoA), serum calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase levels of group B increased significantly after treatment. And significant differences between the two groups were observed. There′s no change of SOS in the tibia within or between the two groups before and after treatment. The percentages of hemorrhage in the group A and B were 18% and 38%,respectively. The percentages of hot flush and the other vasomotor symptoms were 14% and 41%, respectively (P<0.01). Conclusions Domestic LHRH-a combined with low-dose norethindrone was effective in the treatment of endometriosis. It could also improve the symptom of hypoestrogenemia, decrease hemorrhage rateand bone turn-over. 【Key words】 Gonadorelin; Endometriosis; Norethindrone
一、研究对象 为1997年1月至1999年3月就诊于我科、有症状的盆腔内异症、卵巢内膜样囊肿、子宫肌腺症患者77例,随机分为2组。A组36例,年龄25~52岁,平均38.6岁;B组41例,年龄28~48岁,平均38.3岁。手术后伴复发病灶、已有术后病理诊断者,A组12例,B组4例; 腹腔镜诊断者,A组3例,B组2例; B超诊断者,A组6例,B组6例;保守性或半根治性手术后仍有残留病灶于手术后继续药物治疗者,A组15例,B组29例。 A组保存生育功能者28例,B组26例;保存卵巢功能者,A组8例,B组15例。凡有严重并发疾病及近6个月使用过激素类药物者均不作为本组研究对象。B组有1例于治疗4个月因出现面神经麻痹而停药,其他患者均无因副反应而退出者。 二、方法 (一) 用药方法 A组予LHRH-a 150 μg 肌内注射(肌注)1次/d+炔诺酮2.5 mg口服1次/d,B组单用LHRH-a治疗,2组均于月经后卵泡期开始给药。疗程达3个月者方予判断结果。 A组36例、B组41例全部完成3个月疗程,其中A组17例、B组25例完成6个月疗程。 (二) 观察指标 对两组上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 超大剂量化学药物和外周血干细胞移植治疗晚期妇科恶性肿瘤5例分析 下一个医学论文: 助产工作中潜在不安全因素管理措施