体外无血清小鼠胚胎种植模型的建立 |
刘建新 罗丽兰 阎洁 艾继辉
【摘要】 目的 观察小鼠胚胎的体外发育及种植过程。方法 采用全组蜕膜细胞培养方式进行体外培养,然后移入孕4 d的小鼠胚胎,建立无血清联合培养体系,对胚胎和蜕膜细胞的生长情况进行显微观察。结果 小鼠胚胎在体外无血清培养体系中能够顺利孵化、粘附、种植及外延生长,并形成外胎盘锥和羊膜囊;蜕膜细胞的形态在4 d与小鼠胚胎的共同培养时限内保持完好。结论 蜕膜细胞是理想的共同培养的饲养细胞,本实验方法具有简单、实用和可靠的特点。 【关键词】 蜕膜; 胎儿发育;胚泡移植; 培养基,无血清
Establishment of in vitro Serum-free Embryo Implantation Model
LIU Jianxin, LUO Lilan, YAN Jie, et al. (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao 266011, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the growth and implantation of mouse embryos in vitro. Methods In order to establish a serum-free coculture system, the whole components of decidual tissue was collected and cultured in vitro. Then 4-day-mouse embryos were added to the well-developed decidual cells, and the following changes of the above system were closely observed under microscope. Results Mouse embryos were successfully hatched, adhered, implanted and outspreaded under the coculture system. The extraplacental cone and amniotic sac were formed as well. Decidual cells kept stable during the following 4-day coculture. Conclusions Decidual cell is an ideal feeder cell for coculture. Our results showed that the modified method of decidual cell culture and the establishment of implantation model were simple, practical and reliable. 【Key words】 Decidua; Fetal development; Embryo transfer; Culture media, serum-free
蜕膜细胞以其营养胚泡、调节内分泌、调控滋养细胞的侵入、防止胚胎被母体排斥等功能,成为一种被广泛采用的饲养细胞(feeder cell)。小鼠因有规律的性周期,其胚胎的种植过程与人类非常相似而成为人们普遍采用的研究对象和胚胎来源。本研究在以往研究[1,2]的基础上,建立无血清小鼠胚胎体外种植模型,以进一步探讨胚胎发育及种植的机理。
一、 材料 无血清培养基,包括下列试剂:DMEM/Ham′s F-12(美国Gibco公司产品),含0.3%牛血清白蛋白(美国Sigma公司产品)、青霉素100 U/ml、链霉素100 μg/ml(pH 7.2,渗透压282 mOsmol/kg)。人绝经期促性腺激素(hMG)和人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)为丽珠制药有限公司产品。胶原酶和透明质酸酶为美国Sigma公司产品。胰蛋白酶由上海第二生化制品公司提供。培养容器为12孔培养板(丹麦Nunc公司产品)和25 cm2一次性培养瓶(丹麦Corning公司产品)。 二、方法 1.小鼠胚胎的采集:选用由同济医科大学实验动物[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 卵巢正常大小的原发性卵巢上皮性癌综合征的临床特点与预后影响因素 下一个医学论文: 雌激素对去势兔血脂 内皮素及动脉粥样硬化形成的影响