母乳喂养性黄疸及相关参数研究 |
岳玉国 李云珠 夏振炜 邵洁 俞善昌
【摘要】 目的 探索开始喂奶(简称开奶)时间、哺乳频率等因素对母乳喂养性黄疸(BFJ)发生发展的影响,并与生理性黄疸(PJ)作鉴别。方法 按出生后第6天血清胆红素水平及生后第14天黄疸消退与否分为PJ组(n=35)和BFJ组(n=44),分析其开奶时间,出生后头3天每天哺乳次数及排便次数,体重下降百分比,第1次排便时间及排出黄便时间,出生后24~48小时自胎便中排出胆红素总量。结果 出生后头3天PJ组和BFJ组每天哺乳次数分别为(5.8±1.9)次/天与(3.7±1.8)次/天,第2天自胎便中排出胆红素的总量分别为(22±5) mg/g与(9±6) mg/g,第1次排胎便时间及排黄便时间分别为(8±4)小时、(52±16)小时与(12±7)小时、(65±17)小时,差异均有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。生后第6天血清胆红素BFJ组>(240±31) μmol/L,PJ组<(95±20) μmol/L。结论 喂养的相关参数差异可能是母乳喂养儿血清胆红素在第1时相异常增高的原因之一。 【关键词】 乳,人 黄疸,新生儿
The study of related parameters of breast-feeding jaundice YUE Yuguo, LI Yunzhu, XIA Zhenwei, et al. Pediatric Department, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200025 【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effects of the starting time and frequency of breast-feeding on the development of breast-feeding jaundice (BFJ), and to differentiate BFJ from physical jaundice (PJ).Methods According to the serum bilirubin levels at the 6th day, and whether the jaundice going down at the 14th day after birth, the infants were divided into BFJ (44 cases) and PJ (35 cases) groups. Analyses were performed on the initiation time of breast-feeding, the frequency of breast-feeding and defecation during the first 3 days after birth, the percentage of decreased body-weight, the time of the first meconium and yellow stools defecation, and the total amount of bilirubin in meconium during 24~48 hours after birth.Results There were significant differences (P<0.005) between BFJ and PJ groups on the frequencies of breast-feeding during the first 3 days after birth (5.8±1.9) time/d vs (3.7±1.8) time/d, the total amounts of bilirubin in meconium at the 2nd day (22.9±4.6) mg vs (8.5±5.8) mg, and the time of the first meconium (7.6±4.2) h vs (15.5±7.4) h and yellow stools defecation (52±16)h vs (64.7&plusm[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 急性髓性白血病细胞CD87表达及其意义 下一个医学论文: 结核病与主要组织相容性复合体 类基因的关联性研究