多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图评价小儿心脏 |
曾和平 李万镇 马郁文 陈永红 杜军保
【摘要】 目的 研究小儿心脏β-受体(β-AR)功能和反应性。方法 采用多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图(DSE),对30例β-AR功能亢进症、15例扩张型心肌病患儿和30例正常对照小儿的心脏左心室射血分数(EF)、短轴缩短率(FS)、左心室收缩末期容量指数(ESVI)、收缩压和左心室收缩末期容量指数比值(SP/ESVI)及左心室后壁增厚率(△PWT%)等进行测定。结果 药物负荷前,β-AR功能亢进组儿童的SP/ESVI和ΔPWI%高于对照组小儿(P<0.05),扩张性心肌病组EF, FS, SP/ESVI和ΔPWT%低于正常对照组,而ESVI大于正常对照组(P<0.05);药物负荷后,β-AR功能亢进组EF由用药前0.72增加至0.84,FS由用药前的0.39增加至0.51, SP/ESVI由5.7增加至10.8,ΔPWT%由80%增加至89%,正常对照组EF由用药前0.70增加至0.76,FS由用药前0.35增加至0.41, SP/ESVI由5.0增加至6.9,ΔPWT%由68%增加至81%(P<0.05),而扩张性心肌病组患儿上述指标无明显增加(P>0.05)。结论 多巴酚丁胺负荷试验可以客观地反映心脏β-AR功能和反应性。 【关键词】 多巴酚丁胺 超声心动描记术 受体,肾上腺素能β,心脏
Evaluation of cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor responsiveness in children by dobutamine stress echocardiography ZENG Heping, LI Wanzhen, MA Yuwen, et al. Department of Pediatrics, The First Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100034 【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) function and responsiveness in children.Methods Left ventricular ejection fraction (ET), percent age of fractional shortening (FS), left ventricular end systolic volume index (ESVI), ratio of systolic blood pressure and left ventricular end systolic volume index (SP/ESVI) and change of left ventricular posterior wall thickness (ΔPWT%) etc. in 30 children with β-AR hypersensitivity, 15 children with dilated cardiomyopathy and 30 normal children were measured by dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE).Results Before the pharmacological stress, the values of SP/ESVI and ΔPWT% were higher in β-AR hypersensitivity group (P<0.05), and EF, FS, SP/ESVI and ΔPWT% were lower and ESVI was higher in dilated cardiomyopathy group (P<0.05) compared with those in controls. After the pharmacological stress, EF increased to 0.84 from 0.72, FS to 0.51 from 0.39, SP/ESVI to 10.8 from 5.7, ΔPWT% to 89% from 80% in β-AR hypersensitivit[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 左旋硝基精氨酸对新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑病的防治作用 下一个医学论文: 神经生长因子减轻新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤