孕妇B族溶血性链球菌带菌与母婴预后的关系 |
马延敏 吴连方 黄醒华 王维 申阿东 王永红 杨永弘
摘 要:目的 调查孕妇B族溶血性链球菌(GBS)带菌率,探讨GBS带菌与产科不良妊娠结局的关系。方法 对1 039例孕妇于不同时期(孕20周前;孕20~28周;孕34周以后)的阴道分泌物及产时标本(新生儿咽、耳、脐、胎盘、脐血、母血),用3%TH肉汤选择性增菌培养基进行GBS培养。结果 (1) 1 039例孕妇中GBS带菌率11.07%。筛查3次的GBS阳性率为29.73%,显著高于筛查2次者(15.50%,P<0.01)及筛查1次者(9.86%,P<0.05)。各时期带菌率依次为16.84%、18.40%、14.90%。(2)有产科并发症者GBS阳性率与阴性率接近。(3)新生儿GBS带菌率9.95%。GBS阳性母亲的新生儿带菌率(14.29%)高于阴性母亲(7.26%)。孕妇GBS阳性者,其新生儿肺炎(11.01%)、上呼吸道感染(8.27%)发生率高于阴性者(9.71%,6.07%)。新生儿GBS阳性者的肺炎(20.00%)、上呼吸道感染(10.00%)发生率高于阴性者(14.92%,4.97%)。结论 GBS可能是我国孕妇阴道携带的细菌之一,但对孕妇及新生儿的影响不大。 关键词:链球菌,无乳;链球菌感染;妊娠结局
Study on Perinatal Group B Streptococcus Carriers and the Maternal and Neonatal Outcome
MA Yanmin (Department of Obsterics, Beijing Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital, Medical Science of Capital University, Beijing 100006,China) WU Lianfang (Department of Obsterics, Beijing Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital, Medical Science of Capital University, Beijing 100006,China) HUANG Xinghua (Department of Obsterics, Beijing Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital, Medical Science of Capital University, Beijing 100006,China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization rate and the relationship between vaginal colonization of GBS and the maternal and neonatal outcome. Methods 3% TH selective broth media were used for culture of GBS. The vaginal samples were collected during different pregnant periods (before 20 weeks′ gestation; 20~28 weeks; after 34 weeks′ gestation) and other samples from different sites after labor (including neonatal throat, ear, umbilicus and placenta, umbilical blood, maternal blood, etc). Results The GBS carrier rate in 1 039 pregnant women was 11.07%(115/1 039). The colonization rate of different treating times was 29.73% (test three times), 15.50% (test twice) and 9.86% (test one time) respectively. The carrier rate of three-time-test was significantly higher than that of[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 分泌期及孕早期子宫内膜巨噬细胞及自然杀伤细胞的测定 下一个医学论文: 子宫平滑肌和胎膜组织表皮生长因子受体mRNA表达水平与分娩发动的关系