上海市20年剖宫产产妇死亡原因分析 |
朱丽萍 周冰华 秦敏 许厚琴 秦张艳 华嘉增
【摘要】 目的 了解剖宫产产妇死亡原因及剖宫产潜在危险性,以降低剖宫产产妇死亡率。方法 对上海市1978~1997年间剖宫产产妇死亡病例资料进行回顾性分析。结果 (1) 1978~1987 年的剖宫产率为15.55%(258 158/1 659 892),显著低于1988~1997年的 29.39%(365 376/1 243 337),两者比较,差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。 (2)20年间产妇死亡430例,其中剖宫产产妇死亡150例,占全部死亡产妇的34.88%。(3)剖宫产产妇的死亡率为24.05/10万(150/623 534) ,显著高于阴道产产妇的12.28/10万(280/2 279 695)的死亡率,两者相比,差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。当剖宫产率大于30.00%时,剖宫产产妇死亡相对危险性上升。(4)剖宫产产妇死亡原因依次为妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征)、心脏病、栓塞(肺栓塞及羊水栓塞)、产科出血、肝脏疾病和产褥感染。(5)前、后10年因妊高征死亡的产妇中,其剖宫产与阴道产相对危险性有显著降低。(6)150例剖宫产产妇死亡病例中, 与剖宫产直接相关的死亡有43例(28.67%), 其中栓塞最多,其次为产科出血、产褥感染及麻醉意外。结论 加强对妊高征、妊娠合并心脏病和栓塞的防治,正确掌握剖宫产指征,提高手术质量,重视术前、术后处理,才能进一步降低剖宫产产妇死亡率。 【关键词】 剖宫产术; 产妇死亡率; 死亡原因
Analysis on Maternal Deaths of Cesarean Section in Shanghai
ZHU Liping, ZHOU Binghua, QIN Min, et al. Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Health Hospital, Shanghai Women's Health Institute, Shanghai 200040, China
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the causes of maternal deaths of cesarean section and the potential risks of it. Methods A retrospective study on maternal deaths of cesarean section from 1978 to 1997 was carried out. Results (1) The rate of cesarean section in 1978~1987 was 15.55% (258 158/1 659 892),which was significantly lower than that of 29.39% (365 376/1 243 337) in 1988~1997 (P<0.01). (2) During the 20 years there were 430 cases of maternal deaths in Shanghai. Among them, 150 cases were maternal death after cesarean section which accounted for 34.88%. (3)Maternal mortality rate of cesarean section cases was 24.05/105 (150/623 534) which significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of vaginal delivery, 12.28/105 (280/2 279 695). The relative risk of maternal deaths in cesarean section group increased when the cesarean section rate was over 30.00%.(4)The rank order of maternal deaths of cesarean section was as follows: PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension), Cardiac diseases, embolisms, haemorrhage, hepatic diseases, and inf[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 高频电波刀用于子宫颈病变诊断与治疗的临床观察 下一个医学论文: 硝苯地平对妊娠高血压综合征患者产后出血的影响