体外受精 |
金帆 石一复 周馥贞 黄荷凤
【摘要】 目的 探讨体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)过程中多原核孕卵生成的影响因素及降低该类异常受精的方法。方法 应用多因素Logistic回归方法,分析145个IVF-ET周期、1 168个卵细胞的资料,研究多原核孕卵生成率与夫妇年龄、促超排卵方案、穿刺卵泡数、获取卵细胞数、授精前孵育时间、精液精子与授精精子质量和数量以及卵细胞受精率的关系。 结果 成熟卵多原核孕卵生成率与女方年龄和可穿刺卵泡数呈显著性负相关,未成熟卵多原核孕卵生成率与精液精子密度及卵细胞受精率呈显著性正相关。结论 女方年龄和可穿刺卵泡数影响成熟卵多原核孕卵生成率,男方精液高活动力精子和卵细胞受精率是未成熟卵多原核孕卵生成的重要因素。选择合适剂量,提高个体对促排卵药物的反应,可能有助于减少多原核孕卵的生成。 【关键词】 受精,体外 胚胎移植 年龄因素 受精
Analyses of the Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Polypronuclear Embryos in In-vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
JIN Fan, SHI Yifu, ZHOU Fuzhen, et al. Affiliated Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310006
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the factors affecting the occurrences of the polypronuclear embryos in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer ( IVF-ET ). Methods The data from 145 IVF-ET cycles and 1 168 oocytes were analyzed by logistic regression for multiple factors. The influences of the couple's age, the superovulation stimulation protocols, the number of the follicles punctured and the oocytes obtained, the preinseminational interval, the quality and quantity of seminal and inseminational sperms, and the oocyte fertilization ratio on the incidences of the polypronuclear embryos from the matured, and immature oocytes were examined respectively. Results The incidence of the polypronuclear embryos from matured oocytes was significantly negatively correlated with the woman age and the number of the follicles punctured, and the incidence from immature oocytes was significantly positively correlated with the density of sperms at grade a and b and the oocyte fertilization ratio. Conclusions The woman′s age and the number of follicles are the main factors which influence the occurrence of polypronclear embryos from matured oocytes, while the density of the seminal sperm with high motility and the fertilization ratio [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤26例分析 下一个医学论文: 细胞凋亡调控蛋白bcl