妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤26例分析 |
荣抗美 孟宪风
【摘要】 目的 探讨妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤的原因及防治措施。方法 对1982~1996年间26例妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤的病例进行回顾性分析。结果 妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤的发生率为0.34%。其中以膀胱损伤为多。在膀胱损伤的17例中,节育术损伤12例,剖宫产损伤3例,子宫肌瘤切除术损伤2例。在输尿管损伤共9例中,宫颈癌根治术6例,剖宫产子宫切除术1例,阔韧带肌瘤子宫切除术2例。结论 熟练掌握局部解剖关系,严格操作规程,仔细解剖分离组织是预防妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤的关键。 【关键词】 手术期间 创伤和损伤 膀胱 输尿管
Injury to Urinary System in the Operation of Gynecology
RONG Kangmei, MENG Xianfeng. The Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College,Shandong Province, Binzhou 256603
【Abstract】 Objective To reduce the incidence of urinary system injury from gynecology operations. Methods 26 cases with urinary system injuries during gynecological operations were analyzed from 1982 to 1996. Results The incidence of urinary injury in this hospital was 0.34%, and injuries occurred most frequently in the bladder. Among the 17 cases of bladder injuries, 12 occurred during tubal ligation, 3 during cesarean section, and 2 in myomectomy. There were 9 cases of ureter injuries, 6 cases occurred in radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer, 1 in cesarean section with hysterectomy, and 2 in hysterectomy with broad ligament leiomyoma. Conclusions This study demonstrated that it was important to be familiar with the regional anatomy, to operate strictly and seperate those organs carefully in preventing the urinary system injury. 【Key words】 Intraoperative period Wounds and injuries Bladder Ureter
一、资料来源 1982~1996年我院共收治妇科手术中泌尿系统损伤26例,其中膀胱损伤17例(院外转入9例),输尿管损伤9例,均为单侧。年龄26~64岁,平均46岁。术中引起泌尿系统损伤的原因有:行节育术8例,剖宫产3例,腹壁炎性包块切除术(行节育术引起膀胱与腹壁肉芽肿)4例,宫颈癌根治术6例,子宫肌瘤切除术5例。 二、方法 采用回顾性资料分析的方法,由专人统计分析。
一、发生率 我院自1982年1月~1996年1月,共行妇科手术4967例,发生泌尿系统损伤17例,发生率0.34%。其中膀胱损伤8例,输尿管损伤9例。 二、发生情况及预后 8例行节育术膀胱损伤者中,2例术中发现[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 放射免疫显像在恶性滋养细胞疾病诊断中的应用 下一个医学论文: 体外受精