rby area;six hips showed localized uptake increased which corresponded to smaller area surrounded by “line-like sign” on MRI;17 hips showed diffuse uptake in the head on radionuclide bone scan,in which, 12 showed abnormal signal beneath “line-like sign” near femoral neck, and two showed diffuse abnormal signal of femoral head without “line-like sign”, and three showed normal manifestations on radionuclide bone scan with normal signal outside the “line-like sign”. The sensitivity of radionuclide bone scan and MRI was 95.83% and 100.00%, re-spectively, the difference between them was not significant ( P =0.122). ConclusionThere is a certain correlation between ra-dionuclide bone scan manifestations and MRI signs in early stage of femoral head necrosis. The sensitivity of radionuclide bone scan is nearly equal to that of MRI. [KEY WORDS]femoral head necrosis; radionulide imaging; magnetic resonance imaging
本研究通过对48例早期成年股骨头缺血坏死(femoral head necrosis,FHN)病人的前瞻性研究和回顾性分析,探讨核素扫描和MRI征象间的对应关系及诊断的灵敏度。现将结果报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 对2000年1月~2004年12月来我院检查的205例疑诊成年FHN病人,5 d内行单光子发射型核素扫描和MRI检查。将1980年FICAT等[1]四期分法的Ⅰ~Ⅱ期定为早期。据此标准采用双盲法挑选出经随访和病理证实或具有典型X线和CT表现的48例72髋早期成年FHN病人,对其核素扫描和MRI图像进行分析。48例中男40例,女8例;年龄22~68岁,平均43.6岁。
1.2 研究方法 核素扫描采用Scophy Camera SPECT机,静脉注射 99mTc -MDP 740 MBq,饮水500~1 000 mL, 3~ 4 h后排空膀胱对骨盆区扫描,用低能平行孔准直器探头采集前后位和后前位静态像。MRI检查采用GE Signa 1.5T超导型扫描仪,Torsopa线圈,常规行冠状位自旋回波(SE)T1 WI、快速自旋回波(FSE)T2 WI和脂肪预饱和FSE T2 WI检查。两位有经验的放射科医师和核医学科医师双盲法独立阅片,观察、分析和记录两种影像学表现并做出诊断。采用直接概率法对核素扫描和MRI检查的灵敏度进行比较。
2 结果
2.1 核素扫描和MRI征象对照 本组72髋中,70髋股骨头MRI均出现包绕股骨头前上部或前上部在内的股骨头大部的环形或凹面向上的弧形异常信号条带(“线样征”),2髋无“线样征”。近股骨颈“线样征”远侧区可呈正常短T1 等长T2 骨髓信号,或呈局限于近颈侧“线样征”下方相邻区或延伸至股骨颈及转子间区的长T1 长T2 信号,脂肪预饱和FSE T2 WI呈明显高信号。“线样征”所包绕的上部病灶区呈四种信号:①脂肪样型27髋,即T1 WI为高信号,T2 WI为中等信号,与正常骨髓信号相似;②脂肪肉芽组织混合样型20髋,即在脂肪样信号基础上夹杂有少量长T1 长T2 信号;③肉芽组织样型20髋,即长T1 长T2 为主的信号内夹杂少量脂肪样信号;④纤维组织样型2髋,即长T1 短T2 为主信号。将早期FHN的核素扫描不同表现与MRI进行对比。①核素扫描示股骨头局限性稀疏3髋。MRI上近颈侧“线样征”远侧区
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