【摘要】 目的 了解山东地区近20年来汉族青少年骨骼发育的变化趋势。方法 对山东省5个市区(青岛、烟台、淄博、莱芜和高密)健康汉族青少年5 612人进行膝部和踝部X线摄片,观察其干骺融合情况,计算各长骨干骺融合时间。同时,测量其身高、体质量、胸围并询问女生月经初潮时间。结果 男女膝、踝部各长骨干骺融合时间、女生月经初潮时间较以往文献报道结果有提前的趋势。膝踝部各长骨干骺融合时间与生长指标及女生月经初潮时间呈高度正相关(r=0.801~0.999,P<0.05)。结论 山东地区青少年的生长发育有明显提前的趋势,应慎用以往的骨龄评定标准。
【关键词】 年龄测定,骨骼;干骺融合;月经初潮;放射摄影术
INVESTIGATION OF THE SKELETAL AGE OF HAN ADOLESCENTS IN SHANDONG PROVINCE OVER THE PAST TWENTY YEARS LIANG SHAOHUA, LIU FENGCHUN (Department of Anatomy, Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266021, China); [ABSTRACT] Objective To investigate the changing tendency of the skeletal development in Han adolescents in Shandong province over the past 20 years. Methods An Xray film of knee and ankle of 5 612 healthy Han adolescents in five cities (Qingdao, Yantai, Zibo, Laiwu, and Gaomi) of Shandong province was taken. The time of epiphysisdiaphysis fusion of the long bone was calculated. Their body height, body weight and chest circumference were measured and menarchal time of the girls asked.Results The epiphysisdiaphysis time in both male and female, and menarche in girls showed earlier than that previously reported. The epiphysisdiaphysis time was significantly correlated with their growth index and the girls’ menarchal time (r=0.801-0.999,P<0.05). Conclusion There is a tendency of ahead of time of growth and development in adolescents in Shandong province, the previous standard of bone age evaluation should be used with caution.
[KEY WORDS] Bone age determination; Epiphysisdiaphysis fusion; Menarche; Radiography
1 资料和方法
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