【摘要】 目的 了解现居中国青岛的韩国人所患慢性胃炎的内镜下表现。方法 用回顾性对照研究方法,以在我院行胃镜检查诊断为慢性胃炎的92例现居青岛的韩国人为研究对象,分析其胃炎的内镜下表现,并与同期患胃炎的现居青岛的100例中国人进行比较。结果 现居青岛的韩国胃炎病人和同期中国胃炎病人的胃黏膜幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染发生率及胃炎程度分级无明显差异,但两组重度胃炎并肠上皮化生并Hp感染率差异有显著性(χ2=4.65,P<0.05)。结论 在青岛居住的韩国人和中国人同属亚洲居民,慢性胃炎的发病情况基本一致。但因两国人民的生活习惯不同,重度胃炎的发病情况存在差异性。
【关键词】 胃炎;胃肠内窥镜;化生;螺杆菌感染
KOREAN PATIENTS WITH GASTRITIS IN QINGDAO: AN ANALYSIS OF ENDOSCOPIC RESULTS WANG QING, XU LIN, LI LINGYAN (Department of Gastroenterology, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao 266071, China); [ABSTRACT] Objective To analyze the endoscopic findings of chronic gastritis in Korean patients residing in Qingdao. Methods A retrospective control study was conducted in 92 Koreans diagnosed gastroscopically as having chronic gastritis in our hospital. The endoscopic appearances were analyzed and compared with 100 Chinese patients residing in this city in the same period. Results There was no difference in Helicobecter pylori (Hp) infection between the Koreans and Chinese, but for hypergastritis, the difference of Hp infection associated with intestinal metaplasia was significant between them (χ2=4.65,P<0.05).Conclusion Both Koreans and Chinese are Asian, the incidence of chronic gastritis is in accordence with each other. Beacuse of the different living habits of the two peoples, the incidence of hypergastritis between them is significant.
[KEY WORDS] Gastritis; Endoscope, gastrointestinal; Metaplasia; Helicobacter infection
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