【摘要】 目的 了解嗜麦芽假单胞菌医院感染的临床分布特点及耐药情况,为临床防治提供依据。方法 采用常规培养分离方法,应用法国梅里埃公司生产的ATB细菌鉴定及药敏仪, 按照美国临床实验室标准化委员会(NCCLS)鉴定标准对48例嗜麦芽假单胞菌进行菌种鉴定及药敏试验。结果 48例嗜麦芽假单胞菌感染者中呼吸道感染最多,占38例;病区分布以重症监护室最多,占29.2%,其次为呼吸内科、神经外科。48例嗜麦芽假单胞菌感染病人多具有多种基础疾病及多菌种感染,其中有两种以上疾病者41例,多菌种感染者38例。药敏试验结果显示,嗜麦芽假单胞菌对复方新诺明和舒普深敏感率分别为95.8%和89.6%,其次为环丙沙星(58.3%)、头孢他啶(52.1%)和替卡西林(41.7%)。结论 年老体弱、有多种基础病及下呼吸道感染病人是嗜麦芽假单胞菌的易感人群,该菌对多种抗生素耐药。
【关键词】 嗜麦芽假单胞菌;医院感染;微生物敏感性试验
ANALYSIS ON PSEUDOMONAS MALTOPHILIA HOSPITAL INFECTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE ZHANG PUYU, ZHANG SHAOYAN, LI JING, et al (Laboratory Department of Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266003, China); [ABSTRACT] Objective To investigate the distribution features of nosocomial infection and the status of drug resistance. Methods Pseudomonas maltophilia (PM) was isolated with routine culture technique. ATB system (Merieux, France) was used for strain identification as well as drug sensitivity test according to the NCCLS standard. Results Among the 48 patients infected with PM,38 were respiratory infection. ICU was the main endemic area, accounting for 29.2%, followed by departments of respirology and neurosurgery. Of the 48 patients, 41 suffered various underlying diseases, and 38 with polymicrobial infection. The susceptibility test showed the sensitive rates of PM to SMZTMP, Sulperazon, Ciprofloxacin, Ceftazidime and Ticarcillin were 95.8%, 89.6%, 58.3%, 52.1% and 41.7%, respectively. Conclusion The aged and phisically weak people with various underlying diseases and lower respiratory infection are susceptible population to PM infection, which bacteria are resistant to polyantibiotic.
[KEY WORDS] Pseudomonas maltophilia; Nosocomial infection; Microbial sensitivity test
1 材料和方法
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