【摘要】 目的 探讨仿真教学软件在眼科见习教学中应用的可行性及价值。方法 自行研制眼科仿真见习教学软件,将参加眼科见习的229名医学本科生随机分为对照组和实验组,对照组见习采用传统的病例示教方式授课,实验组采用病例示教,病例不足时应用见习教学软件进行仿真化辅助教学。比较两组见习的病种数、学生的考试成绩、听课的难易度及对教学方式的满意度。结果 实验组学生在平均学时内见习的病种数多于对照组,考试成绩及听课的难易度、对教学方式的满意度调查结果均优于对照组,差异均有显著性(t=6.958~10.252,u=3.043、3.745,P<0.01)。结论 应用仿真教学软件能够对传统的见习教学模式进行有益的补充,可有效地增加学生动手操作的机会,有利于眼科见习教学质量的提高。
【关键词】 计算机辅助教学;软件;见习;眼科学
DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF A SIMULATION TEACHING SOFTWARE FOR NOVICIATE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LIANG TAO, WANG YANQING, ZHANG LINGYUN, et al (Department of Ophthalmology, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266003, China); [ABSTRACT] Objective To assess the feasibility and its value of the application of simulation teaching software in ophthalmology. Methods The software was made, 229 medical students on probation in ophthalmology were randomized to control and experiment groups. The probationers in the control group received traditional casedemonstration teaching; those in the experiment received simulation teaching when the cases for demonstration were insufficient. A comparison was made between the two groups in terms of the numbers of entity, performance record, the ability of attending a lecture, and the content of the students. ResultsThe entities seen by the probationers were more in the experiment than those in the control; the test record, the ability of attending a lecture, and the satisfaction with teaching were more superior than those in the control (t=6.958-10.252;u=3.043,3.745;P<0.01). Conclusion Using the simulation teaching software can provide a beneficial supplement for traditional probation teaching, which effectively increases the operated chance for the students and raises the quality of teaching.
[KEY WORDS] Computerassisted instruction; Software; Probation; Ophthalmology
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