【摘要】 目的:研究通过ENU诱变手段获得的遗传性角膜病小鼠B6-Co的生物学特性。方法:观察比较遗传性角膜病小鼠与正常B6小鼠的繁殖学指标、生长发育参数,B6-Co不同表型间脏器重量、脏器指数、血常规、尿常规以及行为学方面的异同。结果:B6-Co小鼠不育率22%、平均产仔数5.62±2.55只、离乳成活率56.59±41.22显著低于正常的B6小鼠,而胎间隔29.50±10.50天比正常B6小鼠短。B6-Co小鼠出生后2周内生长发育与正常B6小鼠基本一致,2周后,其生长发育慢于正常B6小鼠。B6-Co小鼠雌雄间的眼球、肺、胸腺、肾上腺的脏器指数差异有统计学意义。B6-Co表型异常小鼠与B6-Co表型正常小鼠相比,肺、肾上腺、子宫、睾丸的脏器系数差异有统计学意义。B6-Co小鼠表型异常小鼠在血红蛋白和红细胞数量上异于B6-Co表型正常小鼠。平衡木的成绩得分:B6-Co表型正常小鼠3.50±0.69、B6-Co单眼小鼠2.17±0.78、B6-Co双眼小鼠1.87±0.80依次降低,且与角膜病变的程度呈负相关。在抓绳和筑巢实验中,三组成绩差异无统计学意义。结论:由于基因突变导致遗传性角膜病小鼠的繁殖性能下降,生长发育受到影响。B6-Co小鼠各表型间脏器系数有差异,血常规的多项指标有差异。B6-Co表型异常小鼠运动协调能力、探索能力受到一定的影响。
【关键词】 遗传性角膜病;小鼠;脏器重量/脏器指数;行为学测试;生物学特性
To accumulate basic knowledge of biological characteristics of congenital corneal opacity mice
1,2ZHU Shunxing, 1SUN Li, 1,2LIU Chun, et al (1Laboratory Animal Center, Nantong University, Nantong 226001;2Research Insititute of Comparative Medicine, Nantong University, Nantong 226001)
[Abstract] Objective: To accumulate basic knowledge of biological characteristics of congenital corneal opacity B6 mice induced by N-ethy-N-nitrosourea(ENU). Methods: The reproductive indexes and growth parameters were observed and compared between congenital corneal opacity mice and the normal phenotype ones, and so were organ weights, organ coefficients, blood routine parameters, uric routine parameters, and behavioural factors between different phenotypes of B6-Co mice. Results: B6-Co mice showed higher sterile rate, and significant lower average litter size and survival rate at weaning than the normal B6 mice, but the time interval between deliveries was shorter in the mutant population. During the first two weeks after birth, the growth performances were not significant between the mutant mice and the normal ones, but after that, the mutant mice grew much slower. The differences were signi
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