米非司酮对人绒毛膜癌细胞株体外作用的观察 |
孙丽君 郑英 王春萍 崔金全 陶银贵 谭丽 廖予妹
【摘要】 目的 探讨米非司酮对人绒毛膜癌细胞株JAR的作用。方法 采用四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法,观察1、5、10、20μmol/L的米非司酮对JAR细胞的杀伤活性,通过免疫组化及酶联免疫法(ELISA)检测用药后,JAR细胞核增殖抗原Ki-67的表达及hCG分泌的变化。结果 4种浓度的米非司酮对JAR细胞均有杀伤作用,并呈剂量依赖性,以20 μmol/L浓度的米非司酮作用最强,杀伤率达73.19%。5 μmol/L的米非司酮与JAR细胞作用72小时,Ki-67抗原阳性率明显下降,第3天hCG分泌量明显下降。结论 米非司酮对JAR细胞具有细胞增殖抑制及细胞毒作用,并可抑制其hCG的分泌。 【关键词】 米非司酮 绒毛膜癌 Ki-67抗原
Effects of Mifepristone on Choriocarcinoma Cell Line JAR in vitro
SUN Lijun, ZHENG Ying, WANG Chunping, et al. The Second Affiliated Hospital, Henan Medical University, Zhengzhou 450003
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effects of mifepristone on cell proliferation and hCG secretion of human choriocarcinoma cell line JAR and the cytotoxic effects of mifepristone on this cell line. Methods The cytotoxic effects of four different concentration of mifeprstone (1、5、10、20 μmol/L) were assessed with methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) colorimetric assay. The expression of nuclear proliferative antigen Ki-67 and the amount of hCG secreation in JAR cells were detected with avidin-biotin complex method, immuno-histochemical method and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) respectively. Results There were dose-dependent cytotoxic effects on JAR cells in four different concentrations of mifepristone. This effect plateaued at 20 μmol/L. When the JAR cells were exposed to 5 μmol/L mifepristone for 72h, the expression of Ki-67 antigen was declined and the amount of hCG secretion was decreased significantly at the third day.Conclusion In vitro, mifepristone has cytostatic and cytotoxic effects on JAR cell line and may inhibit the secretion of hCG in JAR cells. 【Key words】 Mifepristone Choriocarcinoma Ki-67 antigen
近年来,国外一些学者发现,孕激素受体拮抗剂——米非司酮对某些孕激素受体阳性的肿瘤有一定抑制作用。许多体内外试验证实,米非司酮对人乳腺癌[1]、脑膜瘤[2]、子宫肌瘤[3]等均有明显的抑制作用。有关米非司酮对绒毛膜癌的作用未见报道。本研究将米非司酮直接作用于人绒毛膜癌细胞株JAR,观察米非司酮对JAR细胞的杀伤活性及其对该细胞增殖和hCG分泌的影响。[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 子宫肉瘤组织DNA含量和细胞增殖水平的测定及临床意义 下一个医学论文: 吡喃阿霉素联合阿糖胞苷治疗儿童复发性急性淋巴细胞白血病