异位子宫内膜细胞的凋亡与增殖的研究 |
高颖 罗丽兰 何福仙
【摘要】 目的 探讨异位子宫内膜细胞的凋亡特性及雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)、米非司酮对体外培养的人异位子宫内膜细胞表皮生长因子受体 (EGFR) 基因表达的影响。方法 对15例子宫内膜异位症(内异症)患者的异位内膜组织(异位内膜组)及11例非子宫内膜异位症患者的在位内膜组织(在位内膜组)进行体外细胞培养,采用流式细胞术检测两组细胞的细胞凋亡指数,同时应用原位杂交方法检测细胞中bcl-2的表达水平。应用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术,分析12例内异症患者异位内膜细胞在单纯加入培养液(对照组)及在培养液中分别加入E2(10nmol/L)(E2组)、P(100 nmol/L)(P组)或P (100 nmol/L) + 米非司酮(1000 nmol/L)(P+米非司酮组)作用后,异位子宫内膜细胞中EGFR mRNA的表达水平。结果 异位内膜组的凋亡指数为(2.74±1.54)%,显著低于在位内膜组的(9.97±1.26)%(P<0.05)。异位内膜组中bcl-2表达阳性颗粒的积分吸光度值为7.26±0.42,明显高于在位内膜组的5.67±1.39(P<0.05)。与对照组EGFR基因表达的积分吸光度值(0.90±0.10)比较,E2组(1.10±0.19)及P组(1.28±0.24)均显著增高(P<0.01),P+米非司酮组(0.63±0.11)的表达则明显降低(P<0.01)。结论 (1)异位子宫内膜细胞通过抗凋亡基因bcl-2的高表达而抑制细胞的凋亡过程,延长生命周期;(2)E2、P可促进异位内膜细胞的增生及分化,米非司酮则抑制这一过程。 【关键词】 子宫内膜异位症 脱噬作用 基因,bcl-2 受体,表皮生长因子-尿抑胃素
Investigation of the Apoptosis and Proliferation in Endometriotic Cells
GAO Ying*, LUO Lilan, HE Fuxian. *Union Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan 430032
【Abstract】 Objective To clarify whether apoptosis is involved in endometriosis and the effects of estradiol, progesterone and mifepristone on the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) in cultured human endometriotic cells. Methods Apoptosis index and bcl-2 gene expression were examined in cultured ectopic endometrial cells from women with endometriosis (n= 15 samples) and compared with eutopic endometrial cells from non-endometriosis cases(n = 11 samples).Apoptotic cells were detected by flowcytometry; bcl-2 gene expression demonstrated by in situ hybridization technique. The cultured endometriotic cells were stimulated by estradiol(E2,10 nmol/L), progesterone(P,100 nmol/L), and P + mifepristone(P 100 nmol/L + mifepristone 1000 nmol/L) respectively for 5 days, the expression of EGFR mRNA of endometriotic cells were determined by reverse transcript polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method. Results The apoptosis index [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 正常早孕蜕膜非免疫细胞免疫活性的实验研究 下一个医学论文: 妇科恶性肿瘤淋巴结转移的腹膜后与腹腔化学治疗的比较