妊娠有宫缩与无宫缩子宫肌层CRHR1α mRNA、CRHR2 mRNA表达差异无显著性(P>0.05)。
妊娠期与非妊娠期子宫平滑肌CRHR1α mRNA与CRHR2 mRNA表达有显著差异,提示CRHR1α mRNA、CRHR2 mRNA与妊娠关系密切。妊娠期血浆CRH的升高,正调节子宫肌组织中的CRHR蛋白表达。CRHR蛋白的表达增加抑制子宫肌中CRHR mRNA的表达。研究证明CRHR mRNA表达下降是由环磷酸腺苷-蛋白激酶A(cyclic adenosine monophosphate- protein kinase A, cAMP-PKA)旁路介导的转录后途径如mRNA降解引起的,与细胞外信号调节――丝裂原激活蛋白酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK)旁路无关[10]。有学者提出,CRHR1对CRH的亲和力比CRHR2强,CRHR2的配体是Ucn,而不是CRH,提示CRHR2不直接调节分娩时母体血浆CRH的变化[7]。总之,CRHR1和CRH、CRHR2和Ucn及它们与妊娠、分娩启动的联系及其作用机制尚待更深一步的研究。
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3 Warrick J Inder, Timothy CR Prickett, M Jane Ellis, et al. The utility of plasma CRH as a predictor of preterm delivery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2001,86:5706-5710.
4 Dimitris K Grammatopoulos, Edward W Hillhouse. Activation of pretein kinase C by oxytocin inhibits the biological activity of the human myometrial cortocotropinreleasing hormone receptor at term. Endocrinology,1999,140:585-594.
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6 Alexander Pisarchik, Andrzej T Slominski. Alternative splicing of CRHR1 receptors in human and mouse skin: identification of new variants and their differential expression. FASEB J,2001,15:2754-2756.
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