【摘要】 目的 进一步了解胎膜早破合并宫内感染对母婴的影响,预防早产和围生期感染。方法 我院2002年1月~2004年12月产科住院中,胎膜早破合并宫内感染共18例(感染组)。同期胎膜早破未合并宫内感染者随机抽样,取28例作对照。结果 感染组难产率和对围产儿的影响(包括死胎、新生窒息等)均比对照组明显增高。结论 胎膜早破合并宫内感染后对孕妇的威胁很大,难产率增高,也增加子宫切除机会;对围产儿的影响也明显增加。故在预防胎膜早破和感染的发生以及为减少胎膜早破后对围产儿的影响等方面给予积极防治措施,取得较好效果。
【关键词】 胎膜早破;母婴;感染
Effects of premature rupture of membranes accompanied with infection in utero on gravida and fetus:a report of 18 cases
ZHANG Ai-qing.
The second Peoples Hospital,Dianbai 525400,China
【Abstract】 Objective To further understand the effects on gravida and fetus from the premature rupture of membranes complicated with infection in utero to prevent premature birth and peripartum infection.Methods 18 cases of premature rupture of fetal membrances complicated with infection in utero were found from January 2002 to December 2004 in our Obstetrical Department (as infection group). We took 28 samples from the cases of premature rupture of fetal membranes in the same period as control group.Results The dystocia rate and the effects (including fetal death and asphyxia neonatorum,etc) on perinatal fetus in infection group were much higher than those in control group.Conclusion The premature rupture of membranes complicated with infection tremendously threats gravida,causes increase of the dystocia rate and the possibility of abscission of uterus; it also affects perinatal fetus seriously; we therefore have took the positive preventive measures in these regards for preventing the occurrence of the premature rupture of membranes and infection in utero as well as decreasing the effects on preinstall fetus resulting from the premature rupture of membranes,and the sound effects have thus been well obtained.
【Key words】 premature rupture of membranes;gravida and fetus;infection
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