【摘要】 目的 探讨卵巢早衰(POF)患者卵巢血流变化特征。方法 选择18例POF患者、18例绝经后妇女和22例正常育龄妇女应用经阴道彩色多普勒超声检测卵巢血流变化。结果 (1)有排卵的月经周期正常组的卵巢血流具有周期性变化,孕育着优势卵泡的卵巢内血流,在月经第21天收缩期最大血流(PSV)达最高值(16.50±3.42)cm/s,阻力指数(RI)降为0.44±0.04。(2)POF组卵巢血流无周期性变化,卵巢内血流PSV(8.23±1.56)cm/s、RI 0.75±0.03,与育龄组早卵泡组PSV(12.30±2.63)cm/s、RI 0.55±0.02相比较,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。POF组卵巢内血流PSV(8.23±1.56)cm/s,与绝经后组PSV(6.57±1.64)cm/s比较,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。而RI 0.75±0.03与绝经后组RI 0.83±0.02比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 POF患者卵巢内血流具有特征性改变,卵巢内血流PSV≤8cm/s、RI≥0.75可作为POF患者经阴道彩色多普勒超声诊断参数。
【关键词】 超声检查,多普勒,彩色;卵巢血流;卵巢早衰
Transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography assessment ovarian blood flow in patients with premature ovarian failure
MO Zhongfu,XU Suxin,MA Lixin,et al.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,The First Hospital of Shijiazhuang,Shijiazhuang 050011,China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the dynamic characteristics of ovarian blood flow in patients with premature ovarian failure(POF).Methods 18 patients with POF,18 postmenopausal and 22 normal women were studied.Ovary blood flow including peak systolic velocity(PSV),end diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistance index (RI) were measured by transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography.Results ① There were marked cyclicity changes in ovarian blood flow during normal menstruous period.The ovarian stromal flow PSV was highest (16.50±3.42 cm/s)and RI was lower(0.44±0.04)on cycle day 21 in ovarian blood flow with the dominant follicle.②There were not marked cyclicity changes in ovarian blood flow in patients with POF.The ovarian stromal flow PSV was significant higher and RI was lower in the patients with POF than those in early follicle stages of healthy reproductive women 8.23±1.56 cm/s vs 12.30±2.63 cm/s,and 0.75±0.03 vs 0.55±0.02,P<0.01 respectively.The ovarian blood flow PSV,RI were significantly different between in women with POF and in postmenopausal women.Conclusion There were marked characteristics changes of ovarian blood flow in
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