c benign diseases and without EH were also recruited as controls.The potential high risk factors were compared and analyzed statistically.Results In this study,the average of times of pregnancy in the EH group was significant higher than that in the non-EH group(P=0.02),but no difference was found in the average of times of delivery between the two groups(P=0.87).The body mass index(BMI)of EH patients was also significant higher than that in patients without EH(P=0.03).In addition,the results shown that there were correlations between the EH and polycystic ovary syndrome,ovarian benign tumors,endometrial polyps,endometriosis and liver disease(the P values were all<0.05).Conclusion Patients with EH usually have potential high risk factors,pay attention to these high risk factors will be helpful to early diagnosis and to prevent this disease.
[Key words] endometrium;endometrial hyperplasia;times of pregnancy;body mass index
子宫内膜增生症(endometrial hyperplasia,EH)又名子宫内膜增殖症,是指发生在子宫内膜的一组增生性病变,少数可进展为子宫内膜癌(endometrial cancer,EC)。EH多见于生育年龄妇女,也可见于青春期和绝经过渡期患者。1987年国际妇科病理协会(ISGP)提出了子宫内膜增生的分类:根据腺体拥挤程度,如是否出现背靠背群集等,分为单纯增生和复杂增生;并根据是否出现腺上皮细胞的异型性,即伴有或不伴有子宫内膜不典型增生,分为单纯性非典型增生和复杂性非典型增生[1]。在不同的病理类型中,不典型增生被认为是子宫内膜癌的癌前病变。因此积极治疗子宫内膜增生症,有助于降低子宫内膜癌的发病率[2]。然而,临床目前尚无针对子宫内膜增生及子宫内膜癌的有效标记物,因此,本研究通过回顾性分析子宫内膜增生症患者的临床资料,对比非子宫内膜增生患者,寻找子宫内膜增生的可能高危因素,以期提高临床医生的重视程度,为本病的早期诊断提供参考。
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