【摘要】 目的 探讨引起子宫内膜异常增生的高危因素。方法 选择北京大学人民医院妇科2006年3月至2008年3月收治的行子宫切除术、诊断性刮宫术治疗或宫腔镜检查及治疗的并经病理证实的子宫内膜增生症患者74例,并选取同期诊治的其他妇科良性疾病并无子宫内膜增生症患者76例作为对照组,对比分析与子宫内膜增生症可能相关的高危因素。结果 研究结果显示子宫内膜异常增生患者的孕次显著低于无子宫内膜增生症患者(P=0.02),但分娩次数两组之间差异无统计学意义(P=0.87);子宫内膜异常增生组患者体重指数明显高于对照组(P=0.03);子宫内膜异常增生与多囊卵巢综合征、卵巢良性肿物、内膜息肉、子宫内膜异位症均有统计相关性,并与肝病相关(P值均<0.05)。结论 子宫内膜异常增生患者常有明显的高危因素,重视高危因素有助于本病的预防及早期诊治。
【关键词】 子宫内膜;子宫内膜增生症;孕次;体重指数
Study of risk factors of endometrial hyperplasia in 74 patients
XIE Min,WANG Yue,WANG Jian-liu.Department of Gynecology,Friendship Hospital of Dalian,Dalian 116001,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the high risk factors that related with endometrial hyperplasia(EH).Methods 74 cases of patients with EH who were diagnosed and treated by either hysterectomy,D & C or hysteroscopy in the Dept.of O & G,People’s Hospital,Peking University from March 2006 to March 2008 were recruited in this study.The EH diagnosis were all confirmed pathologically.76 cases with other types of gynecologi
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