position and size of fetus were reasons of prolonged birth process.Through treatment in time,76 cases were spontaneous dilivery,82 cases could diliver through perineum incision and application of vacuum extraction,and 52 cases were uterine-incision dilivery.Conclusion If partogram was judged correctly,partogram would provide directions of theory to deal with abnormal birth process,which would decrease complication of obstetrics,degrade rates of protracted labor,infants’ perinatal morbidity rates and mortality rates.
[Key words] primipara;dystocia of cephalic presentation;partogram
1 对象与方法
1.1 观察对象 妊娠37周以上,单胎、头位、婴儿出生体重在2 500 g以上的产妇500例。分为三组:第一组296例,为自然分娩组;第二组131例,为助产组(侧切加胎头吸引术);第三组73例,为剖宫产组。
1.2 方法 所用产程曲线,以《中国妇女产程的研究》[7]为依据,判断产程延长的数据及鉴别难产的指标均以乐杰《妇产科学》为依据。如表1所示。以上三组为对象,研究了发生异常产程图的主要原因及处理方法;在活跃期分别采用人工破膜或催产素引产,并对处理前后的效果做比较对异常产程图的指标进行探讨。
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