腹腔镜下胆囊切除术同时行子宫次全切除术46例分析 |
laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy,while 46 examples were laparoscopic cholecystectomy at the same time,as treatment group,the other 172 examples were as control group.There were significance differences between two groups in surgery time(P<0.01).There were no remarkable differences in hospitalized days,exhaust time,the antibiotic use time,the time of leaving hospital after the technique(P<0.05).Conclusion Two branches surgeries at the same time carry on obviously surpass which operations were divided into separate fields to carry on at different times.Moreover,the former is in healing better.It is worth promoting.
[Key words] laparoscopy;cholecystectomy;subtotal hysterectomy
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2003年11月至2005年12月我院在腹腔镜下共完成妇科手术1 104例,其中急腹症(宫外孕或卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转等)246例除外,858例
经妇科门诊检查诊断为良性肿瘤,有妇科手术指征,收入院拟在腹腔镜下行手术治疗,患者入院后常规行X线胸片、肝、胆、双肾、子宫、附件超声检查及各生化检查,术前无上腹部疼痛及胆绞痛而在常规体检中发现有胆囊多发结石26例,胆囊息肉34例,常规请外科医师会诊,认为有胆囊切除手术指征者46例,经两科医师协调后在腹腔镜下行胆囊切除+子宫次全切除共46例(腹腔镜下胆囊切除+筋膜内子宫次全切除+卵巢良性肿瘤切除术者不在此统计之内),为观 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 宫腔镜下插管单次注射甲氨蝶呤治疗早期输卵管妊娠 下一个医学论文: 初产妇头位难产产程图曲线异常的原因及处理