【摘要】 目的:探讨早期宫外孕。方法:76例宫外孕患者,采用经阴道超声,将探头插入阴道内。紧贴穹窿、宫颈进行探查。结果:52例子宫官腔内未见胚囊。12例宫腔内见假孕囊,宫内置节育器4例,其中l例节育器下移,同时合并宫腔内假孕囊。输卵管部位见到胚囊12例,其中2例原始心管搏动,一侧卵巢偏大见囊状液性暗区8例。宫外孕12例,10例腹腔内液性暗区,声像图清楚。结论:经阴道超声对早期宫外孕的诊断临床意义较大,值得临床推广应用。
【关键词】 宫外孕;早期;分析
Study of early ectoic regnancy Ao Gui-wen(Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, family planning services, Shenzhen 518052)
Abstract :Objective To investigate the early ectopic pregnancy. Methods 76 patients with ectopic pregnancy were treated with transvaginal ultrasound, the probe into the vagina. Close to the vault, and cervical to exploration. Results 52 cases of no embryo sac within the uterine cavity. 12 cases of intrauterine see false pregnancy sac, palace built-in 4 cases of IUD, which l cases of IUD down, and leave Taiwan and intrauterine gestational sac. Site to see 12 cases of tubal embryo sac, including two cases of primitive heart tube pulse, see the side of too large ovarian cystic fluid areas in 8 cases. 12 cases of ectopic pregnancy. 10 cases of intra-abdominal fluid areas, ultrasonograPHy clearly. Conclusion Transvaginal ultrasound in the clinical significance of early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy more worthy of clinical application.
Keywords: Ectoic regnancy; Early; Analysis
本文对我院9 136例早孕妇女,通过腹部超声检查并对其进行分析,现报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料:本组76例确诊住院患者,年龄19~39岁,停经31~59 d。主要症状是停经70例、阴道不规则出血18例、剧烈下腹部疼痛12例。
1.2 方法:采用韩国生产SA-5 000型宽频带6.5M Hz/1 400阴道探头超声诊断仪。不需膀胱充盈,取膀胱截石臀高位,将探头紧贴穹窿、宫颈。
2 结果
本组有52例子宫增大、宫腔内未见胚囊,但子宫内膜增厚、回声增强、增粗。12例宫腔内见假孕囊;宫内置节育器4例,其中l例节育器下移,伴宫腔内假孕囊。输卵管部位见到胚囊12例,胚囊周围呈高回声,其中2例见到原始心管搏动:一侧卵巢偏大见囊状液性暗区8例。流产型或破裂型宫外孕12例,子宫旁一侧见混合性包块,形态不规则、边界欠清、内部回声不匀,最大7.9 cm×7.0 cm×6.1 cm,最小3.1 cm×2.6 cm×2.1 cm。10例腹腔内液性暗区,子宫、精卵管、肠曲漂浮于其中.声像图清楚可见子宫、精卵管,有肠曲反射。
3 讨论
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