【摘要】 目的:对比观察剖宫产后放置吉妮致美爱母记忆母体乐 IUD的临床效果。方法:对648例有剖宫产史的受术者随机分为三组,分别放置GyneFiex MCu记忆合金 MLCu IUD随访1年后观察效果。 结果:放置GyneFiex MCu记忆合金 MLCu IUD 使用1年后脱落率分别为0.44%、1.87%、9.05%;带器妊娠率分别为0.89%、0.94%、2.38%;因症取出率分别为1.78%、2.81%、3.81%;续用率分别为96.7%、94.4%、84.8%。结论:GyneFiex MCu记忆合金MLCu IUD避孕效果均较理想,但MLCuIUD带器妊娠、脱落、月经异常均高于两种新型IUD,两种新型IUD是剖宫产术后放置IUD的首选。
【关键词】 剖宫产后;宫内节育器;避孕效果
Clinical effects of GyneFiex,MCu and MLCu IUD placement after cesarean section SHI Yan- zhen (Service Center of Family Planning,Jinhu County,Jinhu 211600,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical effects of the GyneFiex,MCu and MLCu IUD placement after cesarean section.MethodTotal 648 cases with cesaream section history were included in this study from 2006 to 2008,and placed randomly the GyneFiex,MCu and MLCu IUD.After one year′s follow up,the effects of these IUDs were evaluated.ResultsAfter one year′s follow up,expulsion rates were 0.44%,1.87% and 9.05%,respectively.The pregnancy rates with IUD were 0.89%,0.94% and 2.38%,respectively.Removal rates were 1.78%,2.81% and 3.81%,respectively.Continuation rates were 96.7%,94.4 and 84.8%,respectively.ConclusionThe contraceptive effects of three new types of IUDs (GyneFiex,MCu and MLCu) are ideal,besides the pregnancy rate,expulsion rate and abnormal menstruation rate with MLCu are higher than those of the other two IUDs.The two new types of IUDs should be the first choice for IUDs placement after cesarean section.
Key Words:After cesarean section;Intrauterine device;Contraceptive effect
含铜活性宫内节育器IUD是长效、简便、经济、安全、可逆及应用最广泛的一种避孕方法,但随着近几年来初产妇平均年龄的提高,高危儿、巨大儿、 珍贵儿的比率呈上升趋势等多方面因素,放宽了剖宫产的指征,初产妇剖宫产的比率不断提高,而剖宫产手术带来的子宫愈合不良,子宫浆膜与腹壁粘连,子宫形态和结构发生改变等,造成剖宫产术后放置宫内节育器后不良反应多,避孕失效率高。本站从2006年6月~2008年7月对剖宫产后自愿要求放置宫内节育器的育龄妇女648例做了详细的观察和随访,对比GyneFiex MCu MLCu IUD使用效果,现报告如下。
1 材料与方法
1.1 IUD:GyneFiex IUD由天津和杰医疗仪器有限公司生产,铜表面积为330 mm2,含吲哚美辛20 mg,MCu记忆合金IUD由辽宁省鞍山市宝捷高新技术开发公
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