【关键词】 米非司酮;依沙吖啶;中期妊娠;疤痕子宫;引产
Clinic effect of combination of ethacridine and mifepristone on induced labor for pregnancy with cicatricial uterine due to caesarean section
GU Yinggan
(Family Planning Guide Station in Jianhu County Jianhu 224700, China)
[ABSTRACT] Objective: To observe the effect of amniotic cavity injection with ethacridine and oral administration of mifepristoneon on induced labor for pregnancy with cicatricial uterine due to caesarean section. Methods: Randomly divided 200 second trimester pregnancy women with cicatricial uterine into observation group (100 cases) and control group (100 cases). Treated observation group with amniotic cavity injection of ethacridine and oral administration of 150 mg mifepristoneon, while treated control group with only ethacridine injection. Results: There was no significantly difference in success rate of induced labor, postpartum bleeding volumn between two groups(P>0.05),while the delivering time,residue status of placenta and fetus membrane in observation group significantly differed from control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Combined application of ethacridine and mifepristone can markedly shorten delivery time, reduce the occurrence of complication. It is safe and effective.
[KEY WORDS] Ethacridine; Mifepristone; Second trimester pregnancy; Cicatricial uterine; Induced labor
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