【摘要】目的:探讨应用3D可视化技术对盆腔血管进行三维模型构建及研究。方法:采用氧化铋+聚乙烯醇造影填充剂进行新鲜尸体盆腔血管灌注,X线摄影,经CT扫描采集数据导入计算机Mimics10.01或3dDoctor软件进行血管三维模型构建。结果:构建的盆腔血管三维模型图像清晰,管道饱满,立体空间感强;膀胱、子宫、直肠等动脉均显示出3~4 级血管网,各级分支血管的形态、走行、分布及各动脉间的吻合显影清晰,盆腔器官血液供应血管来源,及各血管间的毗邻位置关系清晰明确。结论:采用3D可视化技术可构建理想的盆腔血管网模型,为临床医生对盆腔血管疾病的诊疗提供了新技术。
【关键词】 盆腔血管;造影术;X线;CT;3D可视化
Application of threedimensional visualization technology in research of pelvic vessels
FU Aizhen, SHI Xiaotian, HUANG Yidi, YI Xinan
(Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Maternal and Child Health Hospital; 2. Department of Anatomy, Hainan Medical University Haikou 571101, China)
[ABSTRACT] Objective: To investigate the feasibility of threedimensional model construction of pelvic cavity blood vessels with 3D visualization technology. Methods: Xray and CT scan of pelvic vessels in fresh corpse were taken after perfusion of visualization filler of oxybis and polyvinyl alcohol, the obtained data were processed with Mimics10.01 or 3dDoctor software for threedimensional model construction. Results: The constructed threedimensional model of the pelvic cavity blood vessels were clearly shown with good stereopsis, 34 degree vascular nets of bladder, uterus, rectum etc. were all clearly displayed, distribution and arteria anastomosis of the branch arteries, and the syntagmatic relations among the pelvic vessels were also clear. Conclusions: An ideal threedimensional model of the pelvic cavity vascular net can be established with 3D visualization technology, which guarantee a new methodology for the treatment of relevant diseases.
[KEY WORDS] Pelvic vessel; Angiography; Xray; Computed tomography (CT); 3D visualization
盆腔内血管系统具有复杂性和多变性的特点, 这个空间里, 几乎所有血管都在不断地弯曲和分支, 针对该血管系统进行的解剖学研究已广泛开展[13], 例如大体解剖、血管铸型、多层螺旋CT自带软件重建等。近年,国内已成功应用血管造影术[47]结合CT扫描、X线摄影,运用“交互式医学影像控制系统(MIMICS)”或计算机3dDoctor软件进行各器官组织血管三维重建,获得不同角度的三维立体图像即血管“可视化”;同时可模拟介入导管在静脉内的虚拟内窥镜漫游路径,观察管道内三维空间结构及其毗邻关系。本实验探讨应用3D可视化技术对盆腔血管进
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