【摘要】目的:研究浆液性卵巢癌中雌孕激素受体表达的意义及与预后的关系。方法:选取19841~20037月在我院妇科首次收治的浆液性卵巢癌48例,卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤12例,正常卵巢10例。用SP法测定ER、PR蛋白表达情况,并与临床特征比较。结果:ER、PR阳性染色位于细胞核内,在卵巢癌、良性肿瘤、正常卵巢中ER表达率为2708%、3333%、100% , PR 表达率为4167%、 8333%、100%,差异有极显著性(P<001)。ER、PR表达与浆液性卵巢癌的生存、分期、病理分级、淋巴关系,经检验差异无显著性(P>005)。结论:本研究中PR情况与患者生存情况无关。要明确ER、PR对卵巢癌的意义应作单一病理类型卵巢癌的受体多种测定方法的前瞻性研究。
Relationship between Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptor and
Prognosis in Patients with Serous Cystadenocarcinoma of the Ovary
LIU Chen, FENG Jie, CUI Heng
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Hospital of Beijing Armed Police Division,Beijing 100000,China
【ABSTRACT】Objective: To study the relationship between expression of estrogen and progesterone receptor and prognosis in patients with serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary.Methods: The expressions of ER and PR were examined by immunohistochemical staining (IHC) in the 48 cases of epithelial ovarian serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma,12 cases with serous papillary cystadenoma and 10 cases with normal ovary treated in Hospital of Beijing Armed Police Division from January 1984 to July 2003.All patients didnt receive chemotherapy treatment before operation.Results: ER and PR proteins were located in cellular nuclear.The positive expression rate of ER was 2708% which was significantly higher than that of benign tumors (3333%) and normal ovarium (100%)(P<001).The positive expression rate of PR was 4167% which was significantly higher than that of benign tumors(8333%) and normal ovarium (100%)(P<001).There was no correlation between the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptor and survival, stage, grade and lymph(P>005).Conclusion: To determine the significance of ER, PR, a prospective study involving a uniform population and utilizing both methods of steroid receptor expression would need to be performed.
【KEY WORDS】Estrogen receptor; Progester
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