【摘要】 目的 探讨粉防己碱对人卵巢癌细胞株HO-8910增殖与凋亡的作用。方法 MTT 法测定细胞增殖情况;吖啶橙荧光染色(AO)观察细胞凋亡的形态学变化;流式细胞仪分析细胞周期及细胞凋亡。结果 粉防己碱对HO-8910细胞有抑制增殖作用,呈时间、剂量依赖性;光镜可观察到细胞凋亡的形态学变化;流式细胞术检测结果分析,实验组G1/G0期上升,S期和G2/M期下降,细胞凋亡率上升。结论 粉防己碱在体外能抑制卵巢癌HO-8910细胞增殖,诱导HO-8910细胞发生凋亡。
【关键词】 粉防己碱 卵巢癌 增殖 凋亡
A Study on Effects of Tetrandrine on Inhibiting Growth of
Ovarian Cancer Cell HO-8910 TANG Yan1,REN Sheng-ping2
(1.Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jinzhou Central Hospital, Jinzhou 121001 China;
2. Department of Health and Education in Shenyang, Shenyang 110000 China)【Abstract】 Objective To study the effect of tetrandrine on proliferation and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cell HO-8910 in vitro. Methods The proliferation of cells was detected by MTT method. Morphological and ultrastructure changes were observed by AO staining. Cell cycle and apoptotic percentage were analyzed by flow Cytometry (FCM). Results Tetrandrine could inhibit the proliferation of HO-8910 cells directly related to concentration and time. Apoptosis morphology was observed in Tetrandrine groups. The flow cytometry showed that the proportion of G1/G0 phase and the apoptotic rate were increased significantly in Tetrandrine groups, the proportions of S phase and G2/M phase were reduced. Conclusions Tetrandrine can induce the apoptosis of ovarian cancer and inhibit cell proliferation.
【Key words】 tetrandrine; ovarian cancer; proliferation; apoptosis
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料 人卵巢癌细胞株HO-8910(中科院上海细胞所提供);粉防己碱(江西银涛药业有限公司),25℃溶于DMSO中;胰蛋白酶、RPMI-1640、吖啶橙、胎牛血清(华美生物公司);MTT及二甲亚砜DMSO(sigma公司)。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 细胞培养 人卵巢癌HO-8910细胞株,培养基为RPMI-1640内含10%灭活胎牛血清、37℃、5%二氧化碳的饱和湿度培养传代。
1.2.2 实验分组 共分5组:实验组:加入粉防己碱,终浓度
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