【摘要】 目的 探讨剖宫产术后晚期产后出血发生时间、病因及治疗措施。方法 对1999―2004年43例剖宫产术后晚期产后出血的病例进行回顾性分析。结果 发病原因依次为子宫切口裂开,子宫复旧不良,胎盘、蜕膜残留,子宫内膜炎,重度贫血,产后绒癌。发生时间以剖宫产术后3周以上占多数(6744%),部分病例(1628%)在6周以上。结论 剖宫产术后晚期产后出血的时间不仅局限于产褥期内,主要病因是子宫切口裂开。针对出血病因进行防治是非常重要的。
【关键词】 剖宫产;晚期产后出血;切口裂开
Forty three cases of late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section
LI Jingzhen
Huantai County People s Hospital,Huantai 256400
【Abstract】 Objective To explore occuring time,pathogenesis,prevention,and management of late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section.Methods Clinical data of 43 cases of late postpartum hemorrhage from 1999 to 2004 were analyzed retrospectively.Results The causes were rupture of cesarean incision,subinvolution of uterus,retained placenta or decidua,endometritis,serious anemia,and postpartum choriocarcinoma in order.Most cases (6744%) had hemorrhage over three weeks after delivery,some even over six weeks (1628%).Conclusion Late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section may occur beyond puerperium and the main cause is rupture of incision.Prevention and treatment for the causes of late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section are very important.
【Key words】 cesarean section,late postpartum,pupture of incision
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料
12 诊断标准
剖宫产术后24 h后有反复阴道出血,其中一次出血在500 ml以上。
13 发病情况
由于大多数病例大出血发生于家中,部分病例反复出血,出血量难以精确估计,单次出血量均在500 ml以上,其中发生失血性休克9例,体温超过38℃持续3 d以上4例。化验检查:患者血红蛋白均有不同程度的下降,其中60~90 g/L 18例,<60 g/L 15例。白细胞增高(>100×109/L)者13例。术后36 d尿HCG阳性,血HCG升高1例(>53 mIU/mL)。B超检查有22例提示子宫切口愈合不良,9例提示宫腔内有残留物,1例提示宫腔赘生物。
14 剖宫产性质与指征
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