【摘要】 目的 探讨水中分娩和常规分娩两种不同分娩方式对脐带血采集质量的影响。方法 收集200例产妇作为入选对象,其中100例为水中分娩组,对应100例常规分娩作为对照组。收集两种不同分娩方式的脐带血,比较两者脐带血采集的质量。结果 水中分娩方式采集的脐带血采集量、有核细胞数、细菌污染率和CD34+造血干细胞数及活性均优于常规分娩方式采集的脐带血。结论 分娩方式是影响脐带血质量的重要因素,水中分娩是提高脐带血采集质量的有效分娩方法,可为临床移植提供更高质量的脐带血造血干细胞。
【关键词】 脐带血采集方法;水中分娩;脐带血质量
Comparison of the quality of the cord blood collected by water delivery with conventional delivery
CHEN Liang,SHEN Li-min,WANG Feng-lei,et al. Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank in Shanghai,Shanghai 200051,China
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the effect of delivery style (water delivery or conventional delivery) on the quality of umbilical cord blood. Methods Total of 200 pregnant women were studied and divided into two groups: water delivery group (n=100) and conventional delivery group(n=100). Human umbilical cord blood was collected from both groups and analyzed in quality. Results The amount of collected cord blood, the number of nucleated cells, the rate of bacterial contamination,the activity and number of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells from water delivery group were over to those from conventional delivery group. Conclusion Delivery style is an important factor that affects the quality of umbilical cord blood. Water delivery is an effective delivery style to improve the quality of cord blood and provide clinic with good quality of cord blood stem cell.
【Key words】 collection method of cord blood; water delivery; quality of cord blood
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象 2009年3—6月在产科门诊 计划分娩的产妇作为入选对象。共200例,要求符合下列入选标准:孕龄大于34周,无传染病
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