【关键词】 妊娠;碱性磷酸酶;参考值范围
Measurement of the serum alkaline phosphatase level in normal pregnant women and analysis of the normal level range in different gestationperiod
HUANG Lifang, ZHU Chunhua
(The First Hospital of Shaoguan,Guangdong 512000, China; The North Hospital of Hunan Technological University, Xiangtan, Hunan 411201, China)
【Abstract】 Objective: To observe the serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level in normal pregnant women and analyze the normal level range in different gestationperiod. Methods: The serum level of ALP from 400 pregnant women in early, middle and late gestational period and 56 normal nonpregnant women as the control were measured with an Au640 automatic biochemical analyzer according to the IFCCrecommended method. Results: The serum ALP level was (67.2±19.8) U/L in the control, (47.2±15.1) U/L in the early gestational stage (lower than in the control, P<0.01), (68.7±21.2) U/L in the middle gestational stage (no significant difference from that in the control, P>0.05),and (156.8±52.3)U/L in the later gestational period (remarkably higher than in the control, P<0.01). Conclusion: The serum ALP level may decrease during the early gestational stage, recover to the normal level during the middle gestational stage, and increase during the later gestational period, with which a set of the normal serum ALP level range can be set up to aid to monitor the health pregnancy.
【Key words】 gestation; alkaline phosphatase; pregnancy
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