达那唑和促性腺素释放激素类似物对ICPP女性患儿生长和促生长素轴的影响 |
creased significantly from (7.2±3.0)% to (4.6±2.7)%; serum level of IGF-1 increased significantly from (11.1±2.9) mol/L to (12.5±3.5) mol/L; the numbers of cell in vaginal smear diminished significantly from (28.2±2.7)% to (12.0±2.0)%, serum level of testosterone increased significantly (within the normal range of puberty girls) from (0.5±0.4) nmol/L to (1.0±1.0) nmol/L; but there was no changes in urine growth hormone. After GnRH analogue treatment, the growth velocity was significantly reduced from (7.8±3.3) cm/yr to (5.6±1.8) cm/yr, advance of bone age was inhibited by one half, serum level of GHBP increased significantly from (6.0±2.7)% to (8.0±2.3)%, IGF-1 was reduced significantly from (15.8±2.7) mol/L to (10.6±3.0) mol/L, estradiol decreased significantly from (64±10) pmol/L to (21±5)pmol/L, testosterone decreased significantly from (1.42±1.14) nmol/L to (0.48±0.20) nmol/L. Conclusion Both drugs could inhibit the secondary sexual characteristics and led to decrease of estradiol, but both drugs have opposite effects on serum level of GHBP, IGF-1, testosterone and associated growth velocity. 【Key words】 Puberty, precocious Carrier proteins Insulin-like growth factor Ⅰ Danazol Gonadorelin
对特发性中枢性性早熟(idiopathic central precocious puberty,ICPP)治疗的主要目的在于改善成年身高,治疗中能否实现年龄和身高年龄对(提前的)骨龄的追赶是疗效评判的关键。青春期生长涉及促生长激素轴和性腺轴两者的协同调控。生长激素结合蛋白(growth hormone binding protein,GHBP) 于1985年被发现,其氨基酸系列与生长激素受体(GHR)膜外域相同,因其对生长激素(growth hormone, GH)活性有调控性影响而成为生长调控研究的热点之一。我们采用两种对ICPP的生长呈相反作用方式的药物达那唑及促性腺素释放激素 (GnRH) 类似物治疗ICPP女性患儿,观察治疗后患儿生长、GHBP、胰岛素样生长因子1(insulin-like growth factor 1,IGF-1)和性激素的变化,了解GHBP在生长调控中的介导作用、促生长素轴和性腺轴的相互关系,为ICPP的治疗提供可能的理论根据。
一、研究对象 1995年12月~1996年12月在本院儿科内分泌专科门诊就诊的女孩,初诊年龄6~12岁,按以下诊断标准:(1) 8岁前乳房发育;(2) 骨龄提前至少1岁;(3) 病程经随访半年,性征呈进行性发展或呈现身高突增;(4) B超显示卵巢呈青春期影像学表现:容积大于1 ml,并有多个直经大于或等于0.4 cm上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 国产重组人生长激素治疗55例儿童生长激素缺乏症临床综合分析 下一个医学论文: 醋酸亮丙瑞林微囊型缓释剂治疗中枢性性早熟临床观察