酸中毒对胰岛素样生长因子及其结合蛋白的作用 |
【摘要】 目的 研究慢性代谢性酸中毒(CMA)对胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-1)及其结合蛋白(IGFBPs)的影响。方法 采用Western ligand blot等方法,对随意进食组(AL)、尿毒症酸中毒组(UA)及其对照组尿毒症未合并酸中毒组(UB)、非尿毒症酸中毒组(CA)及其对照组无酸中毒(CNA)组的大白鼠进行了血清IGFBP-1~4的测定,对UA、UB组肝脏IGFBPs mRNA进行了测定。结果 UA的大白鼠每日身长增长(0.29±0.02)cm,食物身长效益为(0.22±0.01) mm/g,低于UB组[(0.36±0.04) cm,(0.31±0.02) mm/g](P<0.01);CA组的大白鼠每日身长增长(0.46±0.03) cm,食物身长效益为(0.41±0.02) mm/g,低于CNA组[(0.64±0.02) cm,(0.55±0.02)mm/g](P<0.01)。UA组与UB组血清IGHBP-2的比值为0.61,CA组与CNA组的比值为0.57(P<0.05);两对比组血清IGFBP-1的比值分别为2.89倍、3.26倍(P<0.01);肝脏的IGFBP-1 mRNA,在UA组为(1.21±0.46)Dens,在UB组为(0.92±0.16)Dens,IGFBP-2 mRNA,在UA组为(0.52±0.03) Dens,在UB组为(0.36±0.06)Dens(P<0.05);各组间血清IGF-1差异无显著意义。结论 (1)无论由尿毒症还是由非尿毒症因素引起的酸中毒血清IGFBP-2的降低,不是肝脏产生减少,而是代谢增强。(2)血清IGFBP-2降低与酸中毒的生长障碍有一定的关系。 【关键词】 酸中毒 尿毒症 胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ 胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白质类
Effect of acidosis on insulin-like growth factor-1 and its binding proteins ZHOU Xiang*, MANIAR S, KLEINKNECHT C. * Department of Pediatrics, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effects of chronic metabolic acidosis on insulin-like growth factors-I (IGF-I) and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Methods Using Western ligand blot technique, the authors measured plasma levels of IGFBP-1-4 in uremic acidotic rats (UA) and uremic but without acidotic rats (UB), in the non-uremic acidotic (CA) and pair-fed (CNA) rats and also delermined liver mRNA in UA and UB rats. Results Length gain and length gain of food efficiency in UA rats were (0.29±0.02) cm/d and (0.22±0.01) mm/g, which were lower than those of UB [(0.36±0.04) cm/d,(0.31±0.02) mm/g] (P<0.01); length gain and length gain of food efficiency [(0.46±0.03) cm/d and (0.41±0.02) mm/g] in CA rats were also lower than those of CAN[(0.64±0.02) cm/d,(0.55±0.02) mm/g] (P<0.01). Plasma level[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 重组B7 下一个医学论文: 国产重组人生长激素治疗55例儿童生长激素缺乏症临床综合分析