正常单胎及双胎妊娠妇女子宫动脉血流变化的比较 |
【摘要】 目的 探讨正常单胎和双胎妊娠妇女子宫动脉血流搏动指数(PI)在孕期中的变化,并研究子宫动脉血流PI与胎盘位置的关系。方法 采用Doppler超声诊断仪,对99例正常单胎妊娠和24例正常双胎妊娠妇女的子宫动脉血流PI 进行了检测,并同时探测胎盘的位置。结果 单胎妊娠妇女的子宫动脉血流PI无论是胎盘侧或是对侧,均随孕周增加至分娩呈逐渐下降,孕29周时子宫动脉血流PI平均值0.78±0.13。但双胎妊娠妇女的子宫动脉血流PI 值随孕周逐渐下降至孕27周后,则维持在一平台水平。孕29周时子宫动脉血流PI平均值0.67±0.11,无论是单胎妊娠还是双胎妊娠,胎盘侧子宫动脉血流PI 值均较对侧为低。结论 单胎或双胎妊娠胎盘侧子宫动脉均较对侧血流丰富;且双胎妊娠时子宫动脉血流阻力较单胎为低。 【关键词】 血流速度 子宫 动脉 妊娠,双胎 超声检查,多普勒
Comparative Changes in Uterine Artery Blood Flow Waveforms in Singleton and Twin Pregnancies
CHEN Qian.
First Teaching Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100034
【Abstract】 Objective (1) To compare singleton and twin pregnancies with regard to changes in the Pulsatility Index (PI) of uterine arteries over the course of the pregnancy; (2)To examine the effect of the location of the placenta on the PI in the uterine arteries in twin pregnancies. Methods We prospectively studied the PI of uterine arteries in 99 women with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies and 24 women with uncomplicated twin pregnancies and examine the location of the placenta. Results In both the ipsilateral and contralateral uterine arteries, the PI exhibited a steady decrease toward term in singleton pregnancies. In twin pregnancies, the PI exhibited a steady decrease until 27 weeks of gestation and remained unchanged thereafter. The PI in the ipsilateral artery was consistently lower than that in the contralateral artery in singleton as well as twin pregnancies. The mean values of PI of the ipsilateral and contralateral uterine arteries of twin pregnancies was consistently lower than that of singleton pregnancies at any gestational week. Conclusions The ipsilateral uterine artery contributes more to placental perfusion than does the contralateral uterine artery in twin as well as in singleton pregnancies. Twin pregnancies differed from singleton pregnancies with respect to changes in PI in the uterine artery ac[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 胎儿纤维连接蛋白与细菌性阴道病和绒毛膜羊膜炎关系的研究 下一个医学论文: 胎盘乙型肝炎病毒感染与宫内传播的关系