妊高征孕妇血及其新生儿脐血5 |
赵文霞 赵莲茹 赵文艳 邢继强 孙欣 曹丽秋 何凤兰 明岩 周建新
【摘要】 目的 探讨妊高征孕妇血及其新生儿脐血中5-羟色胺(5-HT)及代谢产物——5-羟吲哚(5-HIAA)的含量。方法 用RF-5000型荧光分光光度计测定60例妊高征患者(妊高征组),40例正常晚孕妇女(对照组)的静脉血及两组各38例新生儿脐血血浆中5-HT、5-HIAA及血小板中5-HT含量。结果 对照组母血中5-HT为(54.16±10.13) nmol/L,5-HIAA为(43.62±6.37)nmol/L,新生儿脐血中5-HT为(50.23±7.83)nmol/L,5-HIAA为(41.73±8.61)nmol/L;妊高征组母血中5-HT为(86.24±14.37) nmol/L,5-HIAA为(62.37±8.34)nmol/L,新生儿脐血中5-HT为(71.56±10.13)nmol/L,5-HIAA为(62.37±11.37)nmol/L。妊高征组与对照组比较,母血及新生儿脐血中5-HT和5-HIAA含量显著升高(P<0.01),且与疾病严重程度呈正相关。结论 血浆5-HT、5-HIAA含量升高,可能与妊高征发病有关。 【关键词】 妊娠并发症,心血管 高血压 血清素 分光光度法 羟基吲哚乙酸
Determination of Plasma Serotonins Level in Patients with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
ZHAO Wenxia, ZHAO Lianru, ZHAO Wenyan, et al.
Jiamusi Central Hospital,Jiamusi 154002
【Abstract】 Objective To determine whether levels of serotonin(5-HT) and 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) play an important role in the pathogenesis of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). Methods Maternal venous blood were collected from 60 women with PIH and 40 normotensive pregnant women in third trimester as control, and umbilical venous blood were collected from 38 newborns in each groups. Plasma and platelet 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels were measured by spectrophotometry. Results The mean 5-HT level was (54.16±10.13) nmol/L and 5-HIAA was (43.62±6.37) nmol/L in maternal plasma, while they were (50.23±7.83) nmol/L and (41.73±8.61) nmol/L in umbilical plasma respectively in the normotensive group. The mean 5-HT was (86.24±14.37) nmol/L and 5-HIAA was (62.37±8.34) nmol/L in maternal plasma of patients with PIH. While the mean 5-HT was (71.56±10.13) nmol/L and 5-HIAA was (62.37±11.37) nmol/L in umbilical plasma in PIH group. 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels in maternal and umbilical blood of PIH groups were significantly higher than that in the control gro[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 妊高征患者血浆中末端补体复合物的测定及其意义 下一个医学论文: 线粒体tRNAleu UUR 基因突变和细胞色素C氧化酶活性降低在妊高征发病中的作用