【摘要】 目的 探讨小儿腹股沟滑疝的病因、发病机理、诊断和鉴别诊断。方法 从我院收治290例腹股沟斜疝中选取确诊滑疝13例住院资料,结合国内外文献,着重分析其病因、发病机理和诊断鉴别诊断。结果 发现女婴腹股沟滑疝发病率比男婴高得多,且女婴均属卵巢、输卵管伞端滑出,男婴滑出器官均为盲肠、阑尾和/或乙状结肠。其原因除患者腹股沟内环腹膜壁层先天发育不良外,与卵巢、输卵管伞接近腹股沟内环、卵巢悬韧带和盲肠、乙状结肠系膜较活动有关。小儿腹股沟滑疝的临床表现与其他腹股沟斜疝相似,易发生误诊。结论 小儿腹股沟滑疝是由于腹股沟内环先天性发育不良和腹腔内较活动的器官滑出所致。临床表现与一般常见的腹股沟斜疝相似,必须仔细鉴别。从其病因发病方面加以考虑,有助于明确诊断。
【关键词】 小儿;腹股沟滑疝;病因;发病机理;诊断;鉴别诊断
The etio-pathogenesis,diagnosis and differential diagnosis of inguinal extrasaccular hernia in infants
GAO Wei-hua,HE Shu-mei,BAI Jian,et al.Nanhai Obstetrics and Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Chinese Traditional Medical University, Nanhai 528200,China
【Abstract】 Objective To study the etiopathogenisis, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of inguinal extrasaccular hernia in infants.Methods 13cases of inguinal extrasaccular hernia out of 290 cases of inguinal hernia in our hospital were investigated with referating the leterture, and focused the attention on its etidogy, pathogenisis and diagnosis,differential diagnosis.Results To reveal that the incidence of inguinal extrasaccular heruia in femal infants was much more than that in male infants, and the sliding substance of extrasaccular hernia were ovary and fallopian tube in femal infants and cecum,appendix and sigmoid in male infants.and the ligmenta suspersorium orarii and mesentery of cecum and sigmoid moved more easily. Its etiopathogenesis had relation to that the ovary and fallopian tube approached the inguinal inner circle and the mesentery of cecum and sigmoid moved more easily. The clinical features of inguinal extrasaccular hernia were similar to other inguinal oblique hernia, so that misdiagnosis was easily made.Conclusion Inguinal extrasaccular hernias in infan
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