肺癌及癌旁组织EGR 1基因表达及与临床病理的关系 |
作者:李晓斌 毛志福 房定珠 张军 谢冰生 左顺庆
【关键词】 肺癌 【摘要】 目的 通过研究肺癌及癌旁组织中早期生长反应基因1(early growth response gene-1,EGR-1)的表达,探讨EGR-1 mRNA表达与肺癌患者临床病理生理特征的关系。方法 应用RT-PCR技术检测30例肺癌患者EGR-1 mRNA表达情况,并分析其临床意义。结果 EGR-1 mRNA在正常肺组织表达最高,在癌旁组织表达次之,在癌灶中心组织表达最低;EGR-1 mRNA表达水平与患者年龄、性别无关,与原发肿瘤的部位无关;与癌细胞分化程度、P-TNM分期及有无淋巴结转移有密切的关系。结论 肺癌组织中抑癌基因EGR-1 mRNA表达减弱可能参与了肺癌演化的过程。肺癌组织EGR-1 mRNA表达水平可作为肺癌恶性度及预后判断的一个指标。 【关键词】 肺癌;病理生理学;基因,肿瘤抑制;基因表达 Expression of EGR-1 mRNA in lung cancer and peri-cancer tissue and its correlation to clinicopathologic features 【Abstract】 Objective To study the expression of early growth response -1(EGR-1) gene in lung cancer tissue. To explore the relationship between EGR-1 with the clinicopathologic features of the tumor.Methods The authors we collected and analyzed the clinicopathologic data of patients(age and sex of patient,primary tumor position,TNM stage, tumor cell differentiation degree,lymph node metastasis and so on).RT-PCR was performed to detect the expression of EGR-1mRNA in 30 cases of lung cancer tissues with peri-cancer tissues and 20 cases of normal lung tissue.Results The expression of EGR-1 mRNA was 0.321±0.302, 0.698±0.259 and 1.256±0.271 in lung cancer tissue, pare-cancerous tissue and normal lung tissue,respectively.The expression of EGR-1 mRNA was not associated with age and sex of patients as well as primary tumor position,but related to primary tumor TNM stage and tumor cell differentiation degree and lymph node metastasis.Conclusion The result indicates that decreasing level of EGR-1 expression may have a close relationship with lung carcinogenesis, and EGR-1mRNA expression in lung cancer tissue may be regarded as a standard to determine malignant degree and prognosis in lung cancer patients,then it will be applied to guide clinical treatment. 【Key words】 lung cancer;pathophysiology;gene,tumor suppress[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 微粒子酶免疫法检测血清 HCG及临床意义分析 下一个医学论文: 疏风清热 祛湿解毒 凉血消斑化瘀法治疗过敏性紫癜78例临床总结