250例热性惊厥儿童的脑电图分析 |
【关键词】 热性 摘要:目的:探讨热性惊厥时异常脑电图(EEG)与以后癫痫的发作,与热性惊厥的再发及预防性治疗的关系。方法:对250例6个月至6岁患儿的热性惊厥后的脑电图。结果:首次EEG异常率为45%,EEG异常率与I级亲属的热性惊厥史关系,EEG异常与热性惊厥的临床特征(局限性发作和热性惊厥持续时间>15min)的关系,随着发热再发次数的增多逐渐增高,再发3次以上的患儿中,其EEG异常率高达40%~60%,3岁以上热性惊厥儿童其EEG异常率明显增多,部分患儿多次EEG检查出现发作性棘尖波、棘(尖)慢综合波,其中10例随访3~5年,最后诊断为癫痫。结论:EEG异常率与I级亲属是否有热性惊厥史有关,与高热临床特征有关,热性惊厥再发与EEG异常,年龄有明显关系,EEG多次异常,发热可发展为癫痫,建议预防性治疗。 关键词:高热惊厥;脑电图;再发;癫痫 Analysis of Electroencephalogram in 250 Children with Febrile Convulsion Abstract: Objective: To study the relationship between abnormal electroencephalogram(EEG) of febrile convulsion (FC) children and their further seizures , relapse as well as preventive treatment. Method:The EEG in 250 FC children at the age of 4 month to 6 years was recorded.Rseult: In first time of FC children , abnormality rate of EEG was 45%; There was relationship between abnormality rate of EEG and the FC history of their I grade relatives ,but it was related to clinical feature of FC (local seizures and FC lasting >15min);The first time abnormality rate of EEG was 22%,and it increased with FC repeat times increasing , in >3 times FC, the abnormality rate of EEG ould be 40%~60%; The abnormal EEG was not significant negative in FC children less than 3 years but become significant after 3 years old , some children 10 of them become to be epileptic patients 3~5years later . Conclusion: There might be relationship between abnormality rate of EEG and FC history of their I grade relatives , abnormality rate of EEG might be related to clinical feature of FC; further seizures might be related to abnormal EEG and ages;several times of abnormal EEG can lead to epilepsy. Key words:Febrile convulsion;Electroencephalogram;Further seizures;Epilepsy 脑电图(EEG)在儿童热性惊厥疾病中的作用日益受到重视,EEG已作为热性惊厥的常规检查。EEG与热性惊厥的临床特征,异常EEG与以后癫痫的发作,与发热的再发及预防性治疗的关系,一直存在着争议,本文试图从以上几个方面做些初步探讨[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 老年人哮喘的临床特点及诊治分析 下一个医学论文: 超早期小骨窗开颅治疗高血压脑出28例分析