托吡酯治疗伴有脑结构严重异常的儿童癫痫疗效观察 |
[摘要] 目的 观察托吡酯对有严重脑结构损害的儿童癫痫的疗效。方法 回顾性分析我院神经内科门诊就诊的伴有明显影像学异常的62例患者的临床资料。结果 本组病例托吡酯平均维持量6.3 mg/(kg·d)。应用托吡酯单药/添加治疗中,发作减少75%以上达67.7%,完全控制无发作(>6个月)达41.9%。在完全控制无发作患儿中,单药治疗组明显高于添加治疗组(P<0.01)。11.3%的患者随着发作控制精神运动及智力水平有明显进步,仅1.6%患者因不良反应而退出。结论 随着经验的积累,新型抗癫痫药托吡酯在伴有影像学严重异常的儿童癫痫患者治疗中,有较高的有效控制率,治疗中强调个体化调整。 [关键词] 癫痫;结构异常,脑;托吡酯;儿童 Analysis of therapeutic efficacy of topiramate in children with epilepsy and severe brain structure abnormality YU Xiao-li,Ye Lu-mei. Tianjin Children Hospital,Tianjin 300074,China [Abstract] Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of topiramate(TPM) in children epilepsy with severe brain structure abnormality. Methods Sixty-two children with epilepsy and severe brain structure abnormality were evaluated retrospectively, and were divided into groups of monotherapy and add-on therapy to make a compared analysis. Results The average maintenance dose of TPM in all children was 6.3 mg/(kg·d). The rate of seizure decrease >75% in all children was 67.7%, and the rate of seizure complete control was 41.9%. In children of seizure complete control, the complete control power of monotherapy group was higher than that of add-on therapy group. In add-on therapy group,13.8%children cannot be effective control.About 11.3% children had visible improvement in psychomotor and intelligence, and only 1.6% children exited the observation for adverse effect. Conclusion TPM had high effective control power in children with epilepsy and severe brain structure abnormality. Individuation,long-term therapy were emphasized, neurosurgery ought to be considered in specified situations. [Key words] epilepsy;structural abnomalities,brain;topiramate;children 临床上,伴有影像学异常的儿童癫痫多考虑为继发性癫痫。虽然癫痫的诊断不需要影像学证据,但有严重脑结构损害的癫痫患者常常症状严重,且癫痫长期反复发作又会加重患者的病情及脑功能损害。,新型抗癫痫药托吡酯(topiramate,TPM)在癫痫部分性发作中的明显疗效及突出的安全性已被国内外认同。除添加治疗外,还可[1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 神经损伤引发实验大鼠痛觉及初级感觉神经元的电生理变化 下一个医学论文: 胰岛素抵抗与原发性高血压的关系研究